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Invisible enemy in battle


Hey there, I can't work this out I've been trying for a while, basically The Minotaur.png (that comes with rpg maker mv) is Invisible both in game and in the battle test.
I have tried using both SV enemies (which I have had on since the start of my game) and I even tried switching to front view battles to see if that fixed it but no luck.
All that I see is a shadow, but I cant move him any lower in the troops so I don't think hes above the screen the battle cursor shows low on the map where he should be and when hes in the middle of an attack you can see little glimpses of him.
I will add pictures to show you what I'm seeing, any help would be appreciated.
I have his picture in a lot of folders to see if that was the problem but he still stays invisible. Has anyone had this issue before?

thanks in advance for any help.



Praised Adventurer
@casper ...

I don't think there's any problem with the pictures, although the minotaur.png should be in 'sv_enemies' only. The Enemy looks to be correct, as does the Troop. I see, however, a Battle scene with extra stats displayed, from which I guess that you are not using the 'standard' Battle system. I'd say that the fault lies there somewhere, not in the Enemy, Troop or Minotaur part. The screenshots given don't allow more analysis than that. How is your Battle triggered..? By a random encounter on a Map, by a Battle Processing command, or by some other system, such as a plug-in..? That's what needs showing, I'd say.


@casper ...

I don't think there's any problem with the pictures, although the minotaur.png should be in 'sv_enemies' only. The Enemy looks to be correct, as does the Troop. I see, however, a Battle scene with extra stats displayed, from which I guess that you are not using the 'standard' Battle system. I'd say that the fault lies there somewhere, not in the Enemy, Troop or Minotaur part. The screenshots given don't allow more analysis than that. How is your Battle triggered..? By a random encounter on a Map, by a Battle Processing command, or by some other system, such as a plug-in..? That's what needs showing, I'd say.
Hey Dad3353, first off thanks for the comment, but yeah your right I have plugins in my game but they are only yanfly plugins battle core, ect. I am using the atb battle mode with animated sideview enemies to give them the breathing effect.
I originally only had the Minotaur.png in sideview enemies but when I tried to start the battle via a battle processing command in an event, like I have done with the other two boss fights I've made it told me that it couldn't find Minotaur.png in sv actors, once I had added the image there I could start the battle but he became invisible.
This is the only battle related error I have come across other than my bosses not having the plugin gauges appear but that's fine.
I have taken off animated sv enemies plugin, the enemy health and enemy atb gauge and the atb system but it doesn't make him visible.
[doublepost=1469216091,1469215447][/doublepost]I have fixed it! Thanks to your post mentioning that the image file should only be in sv enemies, I deleted the sv actors version and tried battle testing which gave me the error again. but by deleting the [SV Animated] from the enemies notebox, he became visible. having [sv animated] in the notebox must of been the reason it was searching for his .png image in the actors folder.
Thank you for your reply Dad3353 as without it I wouldn't of figured it out, you whave been very helpful. :D
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Praised Adventurer
Thank you for your reply Dad3353 as without it I wouldn't of figured it out, you whave been very helpful. :D
...which is amazing, as I have absolutely no idea about plug-ins and animations..! Well done for getting it sorted. Give yourself a pat on the back.
