Indie Dev

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Introductions and stuff


Hey Everyone evening/morning.

Im a amateur Pixel artist and even more amateur javascript coder guy supreme. I got into RPG maker MV recently after a long hiatus from RPG maker VX and im loving how much more convenient the new software is to use (you can store more tilesets than the default 5 without needing a swapping program hallelujah).

Im looking to expand my skills in all things especially map design and Sprite work. From some extensive lurking you guys seems to know what you''re doing so yah here I be.

Thanks for your time


Staff member
Resource Team
Hello and welcome to the community :D I'm sure with time you will become an excellent artist! We have loads of amazing pixel artists here, don't hesitate to try asking a few for some tips/tricks :D


Resident Dragon
Welcome to the forums @Praygon! Glad to have you here! If you have any questions, or need any help, feel free to ask as we are all here to assist you in your endeavours! :D
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