Indie Dev

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Been playing around with RPG Maker for countless hours. Only got two incomplete games under my belt.

1) RPG Maker 2000 game Ziggy & the Celestials: based on a futuristic rock band.

2) RPG Maker MV game Tara: RTP based generic fantasy game with no plugins available on Steam.

Spent about 6 months just playing with other things and learning. Someone told me about a New Years Game Jam and it brought me back to the grind. Looking forward to getting into things more.



Staff member
Resource Team
Hello and welcome to the community! Glad to have you here, and who told you about it if you don't mind my asking :)

You said it's available on steam? That's pretty cool even if it's incomplete! I'm glad the game jam helped get you back into the grind, and feel free to check out all of the resources to use in your game (or upload the finished game(s) in there)
My brother @Guld. He's working on The Last Chronomancer right now. Incredible artist, developer, worker, friend, and brother. Can't say enough good things about him or his game.