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Hey guys, I know I'm a bit late with my introduction as I already posted two threads in the support forum, but I figured I should at least let you know what my qualities are so that you know whom to ask if you have any questions or requests.

I would consider myself a writer. As such I intend to make my projects as interesting and storywise well told as possible. As to why I consider myself as a writer is simple: I love good stories. Be it in movies, games or books nothing gets me as thrilled as an interesting tale! This love goes WAY back into my earliest childhood and it'll stay for the rest of my life. And I want as many people as possible to experience that thrill and excitement I get from said tales.
That's why I'm doing two projects around the same tale right now. I'm writing a book (or at least I'm trying to) and parallel to that I'm making a game around that book, as I know that some people don't like to read books (though an rpg isn't that much different since you still have a lot to read, right?).

Aside from that, I have some experience in using photoshop, so I could help with any basic stuff, like shading, brightening or making light effects like sunrays etc. I could even try to draw a faceset for specific characters, since I'm not too bad at drawing (I'll put in some reference pics, if I happen to find some of my old drawings inside a spoiler) in "JRPG"-Style but sadly I can't do pixelart, though I'd really like to since I need it for my project :S....Anyway don't expect to much though, as my free time is EXTREMELY limited... :(

If there is anything else you'd want to know, feel free to ask me. I'll be as open and honest as possible :)

Well, there I went again and wrote a huge post just to say: "I like stories and I try to write them." You could call it a writers handicap :P

I hope to be a nice addition to this community and to be able to prove my worth here!

So thanks for bearing with me till the end. See ya!

EDIT: I deleted the pictures in here and moved them to the "Information"-section of my profile, so be sure to check them out there! I will also upload more stuff on there, like bits of the lore from my project and other written stuff, so be sure to check that out too to see what i can do :)
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Welcome aboard @Fynnmellex I'm glad you signed up, and I'm also glad you made a good introduction, detailed enough to actually know a little bit about yourself. Anyways I look forward to seeing you around.


Welcome aboard @Fynnmellex I'm glad you signed up, and I'm also glad you made a good introduction, detailed enough to actually know a little bit about yourself. Anyways I look forward to seeing you around.
Thanks alot. I hope you understand, that I didn't want to go all too much into details regarding myself since this still is the internet and I don't want too much data floating around about myself. I mean, anyone can view this rather easily and use for what not... I will try to answer every question as openly as I can, though!


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
I didn't want to go all too much into details regarding myself since this still is the internet and I don't want too much data floating around about myself.
*looks at their profile*
Hmm... seems like you're doing a good job. XD
No worries, most of the time we're not that interested in all the private stuff anyway - where people live, what they do; it's fine if you don't wanna tell. We're more interested in what you can contribute to the community anyway. And you seem to be well versed from what I can see. So welcome to the forums where there's no "envy" only "MV". ^_^


Welcome Fynn! glad to have you here (heart) it's never too late to say hello! ^_^
Thanks alot! :D
Hello member 1216! Don't worry someone from October didn't post till yesterday!
Hehe, it sure is a relief to read that. Glad that I'm not too late :P
*looks at their profile*
Hmm... seems like you're doing a good job. XD
No worries, most of the time we're not that interested in all the private stuff anyway - where people live, what they do; it's fine if you don't wanna tell. We're more interested in what you can contribute to the community anyway. And you seem to be well versed from what I can see. So welcome to the forums where there's no "envy" only "MV". ^_^
Haha, great to hear! Well, as I said in the post, I don't have too much time to do big projects in short time periods, sadly... It is rather difficult organizing my free time with a two year old toddler around (amazed) I only have the evenings for myself and (to be honest) I have alot of stuff going on in that time, meaning: Games I need to play, books that want to be read, movies that need to be seen and of course my two projects I mentioned above (snicker) But if there is someone desperately in need of my help (which I doubt, since there surely are enough people around doing their stuff much better than I am xD) I'll try to help as quickly as possible! (glad) Oh, before I forget: Nice little pun at the end there! xD


Hello and welcome to RMMV! Hope you have fun and find what you are looking for here. ^_^

I see you already proving your worth by offering tactful feedback, keep it up!