Indie Dev

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Introduction: Writer-Type Person

Hello, I'm a published author looking into making an RPG Maker MV game to release free with my next book, if I feel I can get the "tone" of the game right.

I made an account here to hunt for usable resources, but if anyone needs any writing, plot, or character help or advice, you can always hit me up.

-- Sam
Hello, @SepulcherGeist, and welcome to the forums. You'll find plenty of resources here to aid in your game creation, as well as whatever help you need to fulfill it. I know several authors who are doing the same as you. They're enjoying the experience of translating their works into a game format, including me.

By the way, I read the sample of your novel on Amazon. It's quite compelling!


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Hi and welcome to the forums ^o^/
Nice to see you here. I hope you have a lot of fun and tell us when you have any problems with the engine, there always quite enouraged members who can help when you have any problems. Anyways, hope to see you around and good luck with your game~


Staff member
Resource Team
Hello and welcome to the forums! Glad to have you here, and hope to have your talents displayed around the community :)


Staff member
Hi Sam, and welcome to the community. I, myself am a writer too. I am a writing tutor and a published magazine article author. There are over 700 Resources for you to look at. Looking forward to seeing you around.