I'm going to clarify more on what i was getting at since i didn't have a torrent of time to write my last response.
Firstly, we can discard the notion that post count means anything, can't we?
Essentially, it just means how many times you've spoken, it does not at all mean you are a good person, it only means that you haven't done anything bad enough to be banned.
Ratings are given by other members, and the giving of ratings is optional and mandated by opinion.
So we've immediately ruled out...
A: The necessity of a high post count for viewer approval.
B: The necessity of a high post count for any sort of quality check.
So the questions to ask are: Is there any positive reward for posting?
Answer: Yes. But a cosmetic title, nothing more.
So then, what do we do about Members of a repeat offending nature doing the 'post lots without any quality control'?
We personally deal with them, rather then bringing ourselves down to a level that cripples all new members. At the end of the day your post count is simply a number. If you wanna go far exploiting numbers, there's plenty of idle games to sate your needs.
Personally I've no problem with it, but I think for a welcome / intro area no one is going to spam just for post count, if they are spamming they likely have more of an agenda than 'a number'. If they do spam, we do what we think is fair action against that member, rather than changing something for a trivial issue.
I personally tend to make new introduction posts when I know I'm going to be on hiatus for a while, but it's going to be one thread in a blue moon, I'll easily make multiple times that post count by actively engaging in discussion that concerns my expertise, which is a lot of discussion!
tl;dr: Punish the repeat-offenders, not the general posterbase.