Indie Dev

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Introducing myself.

Name and experience with RPG maker MV
Thought I'd introduce myself to this new world I've entered.I'm Mihnea, but just call me Mi, it's for the better for all of us. I'm half a year (or more if you count the time I used a cracked version) into developing with RPG maker MV. You might find only my very first piece of work (Very badly made, beware) as YAJAS or you are just a solider on Gamejolt ( and the second piece of work, still very bad is a satire of the Paul brothers which I despise, I used some crude words just to fit the theme, I remember it having more endings that YAJAS did, but it's way shorter ( I do not advise playing those games unless you are that curious. I'm currently working more with private projects in order to improve, and I gotta say, I don't mean to brag but my newer projects have improved a lot since those 2 public games.
Hobbies and more information
I'm a tea addict and I mean it, 3 cups a day 7 days a week. I love developing various enviroments, (Don't know how to spell, sorry) whenever it's a basic site, a piece of software. I'm currently studying at the university of software engineering, is what I suppose it would translate into. I'm an avid bookworm, as well as I usually play games too. I value gameplay over graphics, storyline, plot and characters. So that's all I can say at this time. See ya'. (Oh, also, maths and physics are the best subjects


Staff member
Resource Team
Hello and welcome to the community! Keep in mind if you'd like you can post your games here, as well as sell them on here as well :) We have a pretty decent size list for our resources so don't hesitate to do so.

Not a big tea fan myself, but I've heard it's healthy so good on you :D Anyway, I'm glad to have you here and I greatly look forward to seeing you around!