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I need help with my new RPG/MMO


Hey, I need help with mah game c:

1# Is there a way I could make items(swords, axes, etc), armor, hats, necklaces, boots etc. appear on my character ingame when I equip them from my inventory?

2# How to make a skill levelling + xp gain (from combat and training) script or something...
It could even have (if possible) like a different menu / popup window of skills... And I mean like fishing, cooking, attack etc. skills...
I will be more than thankful for you if someone can actually help me with this one. :)

Thank you in advance,


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
To 1st, you had to manually create graphics for these and either make sprites with them or handle it via JavaScript (but I'm a noob when it's about programming so you rather ask someone else).

But you're kinda asking for some system like that ? Aren't you?
image.jpeg (Game: fiesta online)

I apologize for not being much of a help XD there should be something for leveling specific skills though (somewhere in rpg maker world)


To 1st, you had to manually create graphics for these and either make sprites with them or handle it via JavaScript (but I'm a noob when it's about programming so you rather ask someone else).

But you're kinda asking for some system like that ? Aren't you?
View attachment 3776 (Game: fiesta online)

I apologize for not being much of a help XD there should be something for leveling specific skills though (somewhere in rpg maker world)
Kinda like this Fiesta menu.. yes.

Thank you for the answer tho. You actually helped.
I think I'm gonna start making sprites for them now.... :P


I'll see if I can figure something out on this part, like how to make armor and weapons visible on your character after equipping them...
With some scripts or script that kinda "loads" a different sprite to use instead of the usual character sprite...​
Although... Loading a new sprite would mean that I'd need to do alot of new character sprites..
With different armors, with different weapons, each armor and weapon together, only weapons, only one armor pieces etc....​
It would be so much work.

I'll see what I achieve by trying to write different scripts.

Thanks for your reply,