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I need help making a timed event


I'm looking to make a game full of timed event that you can keep coming back too for example. Use a pickax to mine a rock for ore then u must wait so many min. from then to mine it again. I know there are clock systems and iv seen a rates plugin but that don't help exactly as id like. I'm looking for something that maybe lets me put in something like a (times Past) event. like the rock can be set to go back after 5 min. has past but a tree may be after 60 min. has past. Any Ideas?


Praised Adventurer
[QUOTE="jaritt, post: 32525, member: 9424...Any Ideas?[/QUOTE]

Not quite what you're looking for, but I adopted a 'Broken Pickaxe' approach. I have two Items, a Broken Pickaxe and a Pickaxe. At first, the Hero finds the Broken Pickaxe. He takes it to be repaired (I take away the Broken Pickaxe and give the Pickaxe...); it can then be used for mining. After a set n° of strokes, the Pickaxe breaks, and is substituted for the Broken Pickaxe again. This has to again be repaired (at a cost...), and the cycle repeats. Each mining opportunity checks that the Hero possesses a Pickaxe, and counts the strokes. Too many, and the Pickaxe breaks again.
Not exactly your scenario, but it works well, I find. Any help to you..?