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How to Use LARGER and SMALLER Characters and SV_Actors for Battles


Staff member
I was working on a challenge about having races be different sizes, but being represented by the same sized characters and sv_actors.

The solution to many of these is the good old exclamation mark (!). When the (!) is used before the name of a set of images it will divide it by the default number of images for that set. Example: ?GiantBallden.png for larger version, and Balden.png for regular version. It is the (?) before the images name that allows it to be used.

For the SV_Actors sets, using the (!) before image file allows larger and smaller images. As long as you use the standard 8 images wide by 6 images high SV-Actor sheet format, 48 images total, it will work.

How do I make an image larger from its regular SV_Actor sheet? I personally use GIMP to edit and create most of my images. First open the desired character sheet file with your image editor. It the example that I am about to use, we want the character to be 128 X 128 instead of 64 X 64. A single SV_Actor sheet, for one character, is 384 wide X 512 high. On the layer tab, or equivalent, scale the layer to 200% or 1024 wide by 768 high. Next scale the image to fit layer. This will automatically double the size of your characters. Save and import image as whatever file name you want, as long as a question mark is at the very front of the file name. Decide what percentage larger you want it to be and modify and save it accordingly adding the exclamation mark before the file name.

For making characters and SV_Actors smaller you have two options. You could do exactly as above and use smaller percentages, or you can individually reduce each and every individual image, and position it correctly on the sheet. I prefer using the procedure above. It is a viable option for making halflings, shorter yet wider (stoutier) dwarves, and even taller skinnier elves. Just modify the percentages accordingly for having separate percentage changes for width and heights.

Look at how much bigger Ballden is when he becomes SUPER BALLDEN!

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