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How to program objects to move around?


Hello! I wanted to know how to properly set up events so as the player could push a box around and when it gets to a certain area the player can climb up on it and grab a high up objects. I couldn't figure out how to set up an events for when the object gets to a certain block but I made an event for the box to move one block away from the player when you touch it which works great, but if you try and push it into a wall or another objects the game freezes. Help?


You want to enabled Skip if can't move for the set move route of the event, so if it goes into a wall or another object it won't freeze when you next push it.

I've set up an example event for pushing a crate to a specific location (7, 10) here; The page order, self switch conditions, priority and trigger are crucial.


You want to enabled Skip if can't move for the set move route of the event, so if it goes into a wall or another object it won't freeze when you next push it.

I've set up an example event for pushing a crate to a specific location (7, 10) here; The page order, self switch conditions, priority and trigger are crucial.
Thank you so much for your detailed reply it's super helped but, since I'm such a noob I don't know what to do to match your pictures. At first I just tried writing what was in your pictures in script, but then I would push it once in any direction and it would disappear (go to next event page) so I tried setting control variable = Map ID and then it just never showed up in game. :(



It's most certainly not the Map ID that you should be setting and you definitely do not want to copy it into a script as what I posted is not a script.

This is the control variable set:

This is the conditional branch:

Repeat the same for the second, Y variable.

Just go through each page one at a time, adding each part that's in my image, if you can't find something then just look harder until you find an option that matches exactly. It must match exactly (the variable name is the only thing that you can name whatever you want).