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How To Install Plugins

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Just getting a head start on the support questions and making this little tutorial to teach those new to RM and MV how to install the plugins.
If you would rather see a video explaining how to install plugins check out this.

1. Open your project folder
2. Open the js folder
js folder.png
3. Open the Plugins folder
4. Copy your plugins ( javascript file) into the Plguins folder.( Example of my plugins)
5. Go back to MV and click the "Plugins Manager" button on the toolbar
5. Double click on an empty space inside the plugin manager.
6. Choose a plugin from the list ( Status must be set to ON )
Choose Plugin.png
Then adjust the settings to your liking and press OK to finish. Go and test your game and watch your new plugin in action.
victory image.png
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