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How to create extra rool via variables ?


Hey there! :)

(No one did comment on my last thread, so I hope I will get some good advice/tips here)

I have tried to create variables there you can roll for an extra item drop after you have won some match.
And you can only have MAX 4 on you, and you can only buy 1x per week (depend on how fast time system you have).

But I can't get it to work.

I have upload images for my test project, and posted NPC events on my map;

◆Show Choices:Buy one, Later (Window, Right, #1, #2)
:When Buy one
◆Comment:Locked! ((You can only have 1x, wait next week))
◆If:Bonus Point_Count ≥ 1
◆Text:None, Window, Bottom
: :You have one already!
: :Come back next week.

◆Comment:Unlocked! ((Will be locked after you got one Bonus Point))
◆If:Bonus Point_Count = 0
◆Comment:Will check if your Bonus Point is MAX or not...
◆If:Bonus Point ≥ 4
◆Text:None, Window, Bottom
: :You have already 4x extra Rolls!
: :Come back later when you have less than 4.

◆If:Bonus Point ≤ 3
◆If:Bonus Point ≥ 1
◆Comment:If all is OK;
◆Control Variables:#0034 Bonus Point -= 1
◆Control Variables:#0036 Bonus Point_Count += 1
◆Text:None, Window, Bottom
: :you have now one extra rolls!
: :Come back next week if you want more.
: :( Please remember: You can only have 4x at the time! )





:When Later


◆Battle Processing:BETA
:If Win
◆Recover All:Entire Party
◆If:Bonus Point ≥ 1
◆Text:None, Dim, Bottom
: :Do you want to use your extra roll?
◆Show Choices:Yes, No (Window, Right, #1, #2)
:When Yes
◆Control Variables:#0009 Random = Random 1..2
◆If:Random = 1
◆Change Gold:+ 500
◆Text:None, Window, Bottom
: :You got 500g from your extra roll!
◆Control Variables:#0034 Bonus Point -= 1

◆If:Random = 2
◆Change Gold:+ 5000
◆Text:None, Window, Bottom
: :You got 5000g from your extra roll!
◆Control Variables:#0034 Bonus Point -= 1


:When No




:If Escape
◆Recover All:Entire Party

:If Lose
◆Recover All:Entire Party



I got 4 instead of 1 that I did write, that way I did use self-switch to stop looping,
but the problem is that it's looping to 4 and stop :s
I need so you can only get "one" per 2week, and MAX 4.

I haven 't tested Bonus Point count yet, but it seems to work so far, maybe because I got 4
bonus point instantly, even if I did use one, I got 4 again.

This is a just small project, was planning to use different of kind extra roll token, like boss token, special token etc...
But I need to get this to work before putting that into my game.

All Tips/answer are welcome! =)


Last edited:


Global Moderator
Staff member
Resource Team
  • System that allows player to get a set number of "extra item drop chances" each week.
  • Allow the player to buy only 1 per week.
  • If they have an "extra item drop chance" then allow the player to choose whether to use one after they win a battle.

Have I got this correct so far? Did I miss anything?

PS. You have a typo in the topic title. "rool" should be "roll"


Well one problem is your conditional branch for your week counter, it's set to work when you're week is equal to 2 not every 2 weeks.
In that event make a new variable called week counter.
Set week counter equal to variable week.
Then make it where week counter is set to mod/% 2.
Then change the conditinal branch "week = 2" to "week counter = 0"

What I did is make it where
the counter is the total amount of weeks.
And modding means what is the remainder when you divide by that number.
So 10%3 means what is the remainder of 10 ÷ 3 or 1 as the answer of 10÷3 is 3 remainder 1. Thus if the remainder is 0 it's can be divided by that number.
You said you wanted it to be every 2 weeks, so that means the total number of weeks are divisible by 2, thus when you divide by 2, you should get a remainder of 0, and thus every second week.