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How to change a event page from within a plugin?


I'm creating a plugin. I've overridden the Game_Event.prototype.initialize function.

var alias_Game_Event_initialize =Game_Event.prototype.initialize;

Game_Event.prototype.initialize =function(mapId, eventId){, mapId, eventId);
I aliased the initialize function and added a way to check for a tag in the event note. In the MV project, I added an event with the necessary tag. Now, when the event with the tag initializes, it will run two new functions that I have added to the Game_Event.prototype: setFirstPageList() and setSecondPageList().

Game_Event.prototype.setFirstPageList = function () {
this.event().pages[0] =;
this.event().pages[0].list =[objects]; // this list is an array holding command objects that I've left blank here

The first function takes the first page of the event that I placed in the project and simply changes the list. In the commands, there is a command to turn the self switch "A" on. I've been testing the plugin, and when I trigger the event, this first page will in fact run, however, when I check the console, the _pageIndex of the Game_Event never changes to the second page.

Game_Event.prototype.setSecondPageList = function () {
this.event().pages[1] = {};
this.event().pages[1].conditions = {
selfSwitchCh: "A", selfSwitchValid: true, actorId: 1, actorValid: false,
itemId: 1, itemValid: false, switch1Id: 1, switch1Valid: false,
switch2Id: 1, switch2Valid: false, variableId: 1, variablevalid: false, variableValue: 0
this.event().page[1].list = []; // again, command objects left blank
The second page seems to be my problem. In the game project itself, I only created one page in the event; I only set a note tag and an image. There weren't event commands inserted in the project nor is there a second page. However, in my console, the event appears to be set up correctly. And, when I trigger the event, the commands that I've programmed for it appear to work: in my case, I have the players image change, and the event turns on a self switch. However,

shows that that Game_Event's _pageIndex is still set at 0. My question is this, does anyone know how I can make the page change for this plugin that I'm working on with the info I've given? The second page that I created actually requires the selfswitch that the first page turns on, however, the page index simply doesn't change like I expected it would in accordance with the correct conditions being met.
I'm going to need a bit more info than that. are you creating a multipage event? what is the purpose of this plugin?
this will help me figure out how to help you.