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How to avoid the double-transparency problem?


Hello there! I'm a total RPG-Maker greenhorn and I will have quite a bunch of questions in the next couple of days. But first thing first:
Whenever I put a tile with a partial transparency on a different tile, it works as intended. However if I put another transparency tile on the same area, the both transparency tiles work fine, BUT the background tile becomes grass.
I don't know what I do wrong and I've spent a couple of hours trying to either solve this or bypass this problem, but I already know that I will really need to know how to avoid this grass-situation.
Please please. Help.


Praised Adventurer
Are you taking these tiles from the selector on the left, or are you using 'copy/paste'..? Which tilesets are involved..? Any chance of a screenshot showing this problem..?

Edit: I couldn't duplicate this phenomenom, using a new project and the Overworld tileset (see screenshot...).

Everything worked as expected. What are you doing that's different..?

Disclaimer: being a Newbie myself, I may well have misunderstood something..!
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Both tiles from the menu on the left and the copy-pasted ones work like this. Screenshot shows the "steps" I make.
[doublepost=1464513953,1464512046][/doublepost]Dad - about your Edit: did you "combine" these textures in Gimp, or somehow in the RPGMMV itself?



Praised Adventurer
...]Dad - about your Edit: did you "combine" these textures in Gimp, or somehow in the RPGMMV itself?
No 'GIMP' involved, simply taking native tiles from the tileset on the left. I'll have a go at simulating your example, and get back shortly with whatever comes up...
Which tileset are you using (right-click on the map's name in the list on the left, 'edit' to see the tileset linked to the map...)..?
Both tiles from the menu on the left and the copy-pasted ones work like this...
Nope, I can't get the same effect using the tiles from the left...

Using 'copy/paste' is a different story; once on the map, the transparency is lost, and it's a copy of the complete tile that gets pasted, background included. Doing that, I can duplicate your effect, depending on the source tile copied.
Intrigued, though; where did you get the planking from in your pic..? I can't find that in my 'standard' tileset for Outside (for the grass...), only with the Inside set, which has no grass. There's something odd there that I can't understand (could be me, of course..!).


Praised Adventurer
I've used this set:
To be fair I do not know what am I doing wrong.
Aha..! That changes everything..! I get exactly the same result as yourself. I suspect, then, that there's something amiss with the .png image itself. What..? Dunno; maybe the originator of this tileset could comment..? I'll have a peek with Photoshop to see if I can come up with something, but I'm not expert in that, either..!
If I haven't helped much for now, at least take some comfort in knowing that it's not you that's doing anything wrong. That doesn't fix anything, yet, but it may be comforting.
I've used this set:
To be fair I do not know what am I doing wrong.
OK, I've found the problem, and the solution. This stems from the use of the planking taken from the tileset 'as is'. The behaviour of tiles is, however, different for certain applications. If using the planking as a background (such as flooring...), it must be part of the 'A' series of tiles, not a 'B-E' tileset. The clue is in the original post, source of this tileset, where we see the recommendation to include this planking tile into the 'A5' tileset. I did this, using simply 'Paint', overwriting a tile I'm unlikely to want to use. I used this new, 'A' tile for the lower example. Then, when doing the same manipulation of superposing other, semi-transparent tiles, they behave as expected. Here's the two methods on the same map...

We see the 'ordinary' planking above, where it works badly; beneath is the same tile taken from the modified 'A5' page.
Does this help..?


Thank you so much! I am outside atm but I will definitely try this way in a couple of hours.
[doublepost=1464532978,1464522921][/doublepost]Now it works great!


Praised Adventurer
Well done Aureus..! Lesson learned: the 'floor' tiles, and other landscape tiles, behave quite differently to mere 'object', 'sprite' tiles. You'd have found out soon enough, anyway, when the character had to walk along the planking..! On the other hand, I'm very pleased, as this is the first time I've been able to help someone. (pauses to appreciate the warm fuzzy feeling...). Now back to the important part; getting your game up and running..!
Apologies, in passing, offered to PanduMaru for intimating that there could be something amiss with his excellent graphic. Quite the opposite, the information required was clearly visible..! Newbies, huh..? Who'd have 'em..? ;-)