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How hard is it to create something?


Towns Guard
First I need to say, this isn't going to be a thread where I will be explaining the technical bits of creating art, games etc. This thread is also not a tutorial.
The whole purpose of this thread for me is to tell my own story in creating art so that other people might benefit of it and share their thoughts with me.
(Excuse me if I made any mistakes in my English)

I have always been somebody who had a million ideas in their head. Though I was never able to create anything I was either proud of, or succeeded in the way I wanted it to.
Since I was a small kid I drew random stuff, I doodled. But almost all of these doodles ended up in the trash can because they weren't good enough for me.

I had gigantic ideas, of creating my own game, making my own movie, composing music! Yet I had never succeeded in any.

I once had a YouTube channel. After seeing so many great Youtubers I saw it as my future to be one of them. Earning my money with making videos. I posted videos almost daily but the channel never grew really big, after two years I quit, this beeing one of the main reasons.

Since then I have been trying to create something, again without succeeding. For my profile assignment in senior year high school I decided to write an autobiographic novel in a period of 8 months. At that time I had the mindset wich was still the same from previous years. In that same year I found out about RPG Maker and decided to create a game, with my goal to create a kickstarter campaign after roughly 2-4 months.

A half year later, I now know both of these goals failed. But for some reason it isn't that much of a problem. But if I could go back in time to tell my self a half year ago, that I would still be working with the first chapter of my game, or that my novel had only reached one chapter I probably would have quit.

Now however I am more excited then ever to continue on both of them. Not caring about the fact that I might need to work on them for the next two years.

All thanks to one conversation with my brother. About my application for a graphic design study. When he looked through all the drawings I made and the story I wrote he said to me. "You know what's the thing that I miss?". You didn't finish any of those, I replied saying that they weren't good enough to continue working with.

"How do you know that je said, you never finished them?", he said. I didn't know what to reply. That's when he confronted me with myself. "If its not the drawing that matches the exact image you have in your mind it doesn't have to be bad, or worthless" that sentence kept me thinking and thinking. Later on we talked about it again. He explained what he saw.

You have an image in your head, and you want to recreate it on paper or digitally.
If anything fails, you just quit. Because it didn't go as you had planned.
I think that the beauty in art is that spark, that element within the artwork that the artist did not foresee.
Its good to start with an idea in your head, but don't hold too tight. If you make it exactly as the image in
your head you will be disappointed. Because you knew how it was going to look and what it would be.
Instead, let that fear go. Take any mistake as an new opportunity to make the artwork "smarter".
A great piece is art is beeing soen so, because it became smarter than its artist, thats because the artist embraced as what he saw mistakes, to create something even better.
Its not the end goal that is important. It is all about the proces. You start with a little spark and you try to make it bigger by, well, just trying.

This was the exact fear I had for over years, yet I was not able to recognize it, and so eleminate it in some way. Now, I can see I am very thankfull for this piece of advise. It helped me conquer mountains of work I didn't know I was capable of conquerring.
I hope that after reading this any of you who might had the same issue can also take his piece of advice from it. Just.., just never give. You are doing fantastic!

Thank you all for reading and have an awesome day,


Creating something is difficult sometimes, but there are times where ideas are coming out of
nowhere and you are suddenly in the mood to create something, man I love those moments!
And your story is very inspiring, it shows that you have failed, but you never gave up, You looks like an awesome guy! and thanks for posting this, it really push me to be a better creator :P


Towns Guard
Creating something is difficult sometimes, but there are times where ideas are coming out of
nowhere and you are suddenly in the mood to create something, man I love those moments!
And your story is very inspiring, it shows that you have failed, but you never gave up, You looks like an awesome guy! and thanks for posting this, it really push me to be a better creator :P
Great to hear that