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How could I replicate Blade Mode from MSG:Rising?


Hey everyone.

I'm looking to replicate the blade mode from MSG:rising, its a system where the player can aim a sword stroke which will do much more damage if it hits a certain part of an enemies body. Basically its an amiable sword attack

I'm not planing anything as ambitious as in MGSR were body parts can be cut off but I have an idea on how such a system might be executed in a RPG maker battle system in theory. Here's a brief run down of what i'm thinking.

1. The player selects Blade mode as a skill
Menu select Finished.png

2.After selecting Blade mode the actor steps forward, The aiming line appears (which can be moved with WASD or arrows and rotated with QE or another two buttons) along with a countdown. If the countdown reaches 0 That attack will miss or just do 0 damage.
Blade mode start Finished.png

3.During the countdown the player can press the confirm button again to attack, If the center of the aiming line (the black line in the middle) is over a enemies weak spot (Which i imagine you'd define via X,Y coordinates in the enemies notebox) Then you will deal massive damage.
High damage Finished.png

4.If the player hits any other area than the weak spot the attack will hit for a low amount of damage. (Maybe a possibility of a counter or way less damage if a strong point area gets hit? but that might be a lil to over ambitious)
Low damage hit Finished.png

5.Finally If the player attacks on a spot outside of the selected enemies model or time runs out then the attack will miss.
Miss finished.png

6.Maybe also Have upgraded versions of the skill with a longer timer,The attack animation rotated the same as the aiming line, more than one attack before the mode ends and maybe weak points that move after being hit.These are all optional though id be overjoyed just to have the skill working without any shiny bells and whistles.

Now the tricky part is I have next to no idea how id execute this kind of skill. So i'm reaching out to people much more experienced than I to ask what kind of plugins,code and/or events id have to use to make a system like this work? I'm not asking someone do all the work just point me in the right direction

Thanks for your time. :)