Indie Dev

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One of my friends is an active RPG Maker user, while watching him work using MV as well as helping out with artwork and some writing, and asking many questions... I decided to join in the fun.
I want to make an open world/map action RPG with an ABS system but I don't know where to start.
Anyways I'm excited to be here and be part of this community :)
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Staff member
Hi @YoiYoiKokonX4 , and welcome to the community. The first step is to experiment with the game engine. There are a few ABS systems in the works, but many are quasi-ABS. Looking forward to seeing you around.


Resident Dragon
Welcome to the forums @YoiYoiKokonX4! Glad to have you here! If you have any questions, or need any help, feel free to ask as we are all here to assist you in your endeavours! :D