Indie Dev

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Praised Adventurer
Good evening, Destiny, and ...

... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. As it happens, I compose my own music for my creations, but there are others here that could be interested in your music. Have you any pieces, on Soundcloud or elewhere, as samples..?


Towns Guard
Hello and wielkommen forum Destiny,

nice that you're with us. If you really interest them to make for Games Musick , then you can also reinstellen in our forum and service offerings.
Have you any pieces, on Soundcloud or elewhere, as samples..?
I would also intersseiern what kind of music are you making.
I myself do even music , but I have until now not yet found time to upload something.


Resident Dragon
Welcome to the forums Destiny! :) I'm liking the music you've put up; I will have to check out your SC later :)

Feel free to ask any questions and enjoy your stay :3