Indie Dev

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I'm Terozu, that's a portmanteu of Teru and Rozu, it means bright rose, I'm a newbie pixel, artist like super noob style, I'm working on a pirate game with no definite name yet, I found this site while looking for Ship tiles and I found ADV Ship here, it's an awesome tileset and it can be used for more than just ships it can also e used for sea fortresses and such which I find awesome, I'm ualso using the mv mini map plugin, which iis just awesoome for the game. I'm looking forward to being part of the commnity.

Here's a dumb sprite for Yuna I made(FFX-1)
Yuna Sprite.png just so you can see my level of work, If you like this feel free tto use it for sometthing, I'm planning on spriting the rest of the cast as well but I don't know how long that'll take me, since i end to procrastinate lol.
Hello @Terozu and welcome to the forums. "Bright rose". I like that! (smile)

There are, indeed, a LOT of resources here. I'm still discovering some I've missed. I like your Yuna sprite by the way; looking forward to seeing more of your pixel artwork!


Staff member
Resource Team
Hello and welcome to the forums Terozu. Nice pixel artwork :) I hope to see you around the site. If you need anything don't hesitate to ask either myself, another staff member or the community!


Staff member
Hi @Terozu , and welcome to the community. It is awesome to have another artist in our numbers. Looking forward to seeing more of your works, and looking forward to seeing you around.


I'm Terozu, that's a portmanteu of Teru and Rozu, it means bright rose, I'm a newbie pixel, artist like super noob style, I'm working on a pirate game with no definite name yet, I found this site while looking for Ship tiles and I found ADV Ship here, it's an awesome tileset and it can be used for more than just ships it can also e used for sea fortresses and such which I find awesome, I'm ualso using the mv mini map plugin, which iis just awesoome for the game. I'm looking forward to being part of the commnity.

Here's a dumb sprite for Yuna I made(FFX-1)
View attachment 4093 just so you can see my level of work, If you like this feel free tto use it for sometthing, I'm planning on spriting the rest of the cast as well but I don't know how long that'll take me, since i end to procrastinate lol.
Woooooooot, That is such an awesome graphics! So excited to see some of your woooooooooork!
If you need any help or question, don't be shy to ask!


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Woah I forgot to press the Post Reply button ewe Anyway, Hi and welcome to the forums! Your pixelart doesn't look bad at all :D You'll improve from time to time anyway. I'm doing pixelart too, atleast I enjoy it (even without satisfaction of being happy with the result ewe). That's what I just came up with

Anyways I hope you'll have a good time here and feel free to ask if you need any help ^u^ I'm happy to help! Hope to see you around and good luck with your game~


Resident Dragon
Welcome to the forums! Hope you enjoy your stay! This is an awesome community and I'm sure you'll have fun! Your sprites are looking very nice. Will definitely have to check out more of your work :)