Indie Dev

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Hi everyone! I am so greatful for this community!

Hello to everyone! My name is William Worth, but most of my friends call me Billy. My very first RPG ever was Final Fantasy for the NES. When I opened the box and pulled out that map, it was the beginning of something special. I never will forget hiding under my bedsheets with a flashlight, looking at that map and pretending I was studying a course to go off and save the world. I was only 9yrs old at the time, but I can still remember my first RPG adventure as it was it was yesterday.

My childhood wasn't the best. As matter of fact it was a very lonely time in my life. My dad had an accident that put him in the hospital for a very long time. This incident changed my family for the worst. Dad lost his job, my mother got fired and me and my sister were caught in the middle. For most of my childhood all the way through to my teenage years my family had to go without. My NES was the only game system that I owned as a kid and because of my situation, I was limited to a very short list of games. Thankfully Final Fantasy was on that list. That first adventure kicked my imagination into overdrive and allowed me to venture off to distant lands when ever I was going through tough times.

Because my parents didn't have my back, college was never an option for me so after I graduated I got a job selling computers at Staples. On my 19th birthday I bought me a PlayStation and with it... Final Fantasy VII! That game had such an effect on me that I vowed to one day, no matter how long it took me, to make an RPG with as much depth, heartfelt emotion and character as FFVII... Even if it killed me.

I didn't think that I would ever play another FF game as good as VII. Then I played VIII... Then IX... Then X. All of those games gave me an experience just as engrossing as the next. During my time at Staples I saved up enough cash to get me started working towards a masters degree in graphic design. During my first year in school I had an assignment to create a design logo for a t-shirt. That assignment morphed into a full blown t-shirt company. The whole t-shirt thing really took of and abled me to take a couple classes on building computers. After the first computer I was hooked. That was 3 years ago and since then I have built around 7 over-the-top gaming rigs and 2 office computers.

Now that I have the necessary hardware, the funds, and the time to do it... I am gonna make my RPG!!! After hours of online surfing and lots of research I have come to the conclusion that RPG Maker MV is my best choice for making the RPG of my dreams. My knowledge and experience in graphic design give me a slight advantage and RPG Maker MV is gonna take it to a whole different level. My t-shirt gig and school keep me very busy so I am unfortunately not able to learn the huge complexities of extreme game design. RPG Maker MV takes the complexities out of the equation... Making it easier for me understand and learn so that I can focus my game design time on actually designing a game rather than learning how to design a game. This allows me to use 100% of my imagination so that I can make a game that will create as much heartfelt emotion and adventure as those Final Fantasy games did for me years ago.

RPG Maker is a dream come true and I am extremely thankful to the developers for making it. I have wanted to make an RPG for as long as I can remember and now I can finally do it. The word out is that the RPG Maker community is one of the best communities on the internet. With all of the resources, blogs, and forums I feel very confident in making a successful game. Of course I want to make a profit. With all of the time and money that I will be putting into it I am gonna need to make a little cash to make up for it. Understand though that this isn't about money, it's about sharing a vision and being able to give gamers one of the best gaming experiences that they have ever had and with your help I know I can do that.

Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity of a lifetime! I am very much looking forward to meeting and working with so many new and interesting people. If you have actually read this introduction all the way up until now I appreciate it and I am sorry if I have bored you to death. The fact that you made it this far means a lot to me. Thanks again and I look forward to hearing from you.

Your New Friend,
Billy Worth


Dragon Goddess
wow, that was one of the most detailed and heartwarming intro posts I've ever read!

first, I'd like to extend you a warm welcome to our forum, Billy. :D we're really glad to have you as a part of the community--it always makes me happy when we get great new members like you!

I am also a big fan of the FF series, IV being my favorite. who is your favorite FF character of all time?

Can't wait to hear more about your upcoming game ideas =) good luck and have fun, and enjoy your time here at RMMV!


Staff member
Hi Billy. Thank you for sharing your background with us. I am a writer and appreciate your introductory post. There are a lot of unique resources here, some can only be found of this forum. We are a growing community, and I welcome you to the forum. Have an awesome adventure, and thank you for including us in it.