Indie Dev

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Hi and Hello: Nice to meet you~


Hello, my nickname is Zenovyx. Nice to meet you all! (blush)(amazed)

I'm not pro in term of anything (proclaiming as newbie) as there are a lot of people better than me~
I'm currently in SHS - have some free time but have nothing to do :/ (oh well...)

I found out that making game is fun, since I like to play games~ ^^

I'm totally not good at making scripts and musics. I'm good at traditional arts (since I'm used to it), but I'm not good at digital arts (because of my own reason). I'm not good at mapping (since I can't parallax mapping yet :p), but I'm good at writing stories~ (Good and bad is relative, right~?)


Praised Adventurer
Good evening, @Zenovyx , and ...

... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. We all, without exception, started out as 'noobie' at some point, so you're on a par with us all in that respect. Don't be afraid of asking for advice or help; there's a lot of cumulated competence here to tap into.


Resident Dragon
Welcome to the insanity that is the forums! Feel free to ask any questions you may have :) I'm new to parallax mapping myself :)