Indie Dev

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Hey there! Just introducing myself.


I always wanted to make games ever since I discovered that I could control pixels on a screen.
Well here I am. I'm not very good at anything but i'm willing to learn.
I'm nearing the end of my high school years and will be moving onto college soon.
Couple things I love doing are: Designing, Creating stories and, Working with metal (mostly jewelry).
Hopefully I can help out here and there in some shape or form (jolly).


Staff member
I understand that desire to make games, but imagine that urge when most games were played with pencil and paper. The awesome thing about you being a writer, is that you can create unlimited universes. @ThymolBlues welcome to the forums. I look forward to seeing some of your work.


Praised Adventurer
Welcome to the forum!

It's okay if you aren't very good right now, that's what practice is for; you have to start somewhere, right? Before you know it you'll be creating complex events and systems with ease. =)
@Jay is right, a creative mind and the ability to put it into writing is a great thing to be able to do and will be a big help when you start designing your game.

I hope to see you around!

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
To be honest there is never such a thing as "not good enough". There is only "Getting better through practice".
Practice makes perfect! Welcome to the forums, man.

Also, Jay... as a writer, that random comma really hurts >:)...

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Welcome aboard @ThymolBlues glad you could sign up.
I find using RM daily makes you better much faster than randomly dabbling into it. Also not being afraid to ask any question you have, the only stupid question is the one you never asked and with our great support team here you should have no problem learning RM very quickly. I look forward to seeing you around, cheers (cheeky)