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Hey Guys!


Hey Guys!
As ya all know, maybe some or a few(?), I am new here.
My name is Angelina, or just Lina for short.
I've been wanting to make a game for a while now, inspired by creators of rpg games and by YouTubers who play rpg games, for example, Markipler, who finished playing Blank Dream. And so I've been messing around with RPG Maker MV and clicking stuff to see what does what. I guess you can say I'm a beginner with RPG Maker. I've been wanting to make a rpg horror(?) game. I have my ideas for the game. Some good, some bad, and some mixed together. For the name, it may be "Wish Upon A Soul" or something else, I don't know yet. I draw most of my time, along with thinking about new ideas. Overall, I would say that I think more than I draw. I might even come up with ideas for some of you guys. Who knows. Except for names, I am terrible at coming up with those. I think many of us are. Then again. I'll be honest here, when explaining things, I am terrible at it. Along with writing it down. When explaining, people usually misunderstand me or either just don't understand. So sorry if I make you guys get confuse. And when writing it down, I just can't. I just don't know how to start it. Sometimes, I either forget what I'm suppose to write down.

Haha. Sorry for making you guys read like a paragraph long introduction. I kind of feel bad. Must of been boring, huh? I don't know. Just so ya know. I could've wrote more. Haha. But I won't. (jolly)
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Hi Lina. And welcome to the forums. I shouldn't worry too much about the explanations thing. I'm a writer/author and still can't explain things at times! (blush)

If you have any questions or problems, we'll be more than happy to answer them or help. Hope to see more of your game; I like the working title you have.



Towns Guard
Hello Lina welcome in the forum. To be honest I find it interesting and would like to know more about the game how you imagine it.

Because the Misunderstood by others, for that matter, I could write a whole opera.


Staff member
Hi Lina and welcome to the community. There is nothing wrong with your intro; a lot better than those one or two worders. Looking forward to seeing you around.


Hi And Thanks! (glad)

Companion Wulf ~

I think I'm good with the explanations thing. I'll be with you on that. Explaining things is the hardest thing for me to do. Sometimes when explaining, I would think a lot, coming up with as much explanations as possible. And after that. It would probably look like a 2-3 page essay, if written down. But then, I would probably hate myself because I would think that it's too much and would possibly confuse people. Which probably would. (cheeks) I'll be sure to inform you if I have any questions or any problems. Thanks! (joyful)

Mr.Gaming ~
Since you, and maybe some other people, would like to know more about the game, I'll try to give a description. Keyword: Try
Well. "Wish Upon A Soul", or I don't know; I might change it, is an adventure horror(?) game. About a 17 year old boy named Fesse Scott who gotten into a car crash and is now in a hospital. He wasn't physically hurt but had lost his memories. A few days in the hospital, he soon became delusional and paranoid. He sees a shadow figure of a girl about his age and started calling to her, but she didn't answer and walked off. He followed her, entering a room he had never seen before. He walks around, exploring the place. He finds little bits of pieces of he memories. Along with people he had never seen in his 'life'. He finds everything odd and feels like something important to him is disappearing. He wants to find out more about himself and of his memories he once had. Yet, in the end, decisions turn to regret.
I want to try and make a meaningful(?) and sad/happy(?) game. I don't know. (cheeks)
If it isn't confusing, then good? I did better at explaining...? Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know.
I feel like this is a bad description. Haha, sorry if it is!(wink)

Minister Jay ~
Thanks! Haha. Looking forward to seeing you around too.
I like your profile picture. "I'll Be Watching" (jolly)

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone here! (cute)
Sorry for writing too much! Haha. (icecream)
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Towns Guard
Mr.Gaming ~
Since you, and maybe some other people, would like to know more about the game, I'll try to give a description. Keyword: Try
Well. "Wish Upon A Soul", or I don't know; I might change it, is an adventure horror(?) game. About a 17 year old boy named Fesse Scott who gotten into a car crash and is now in a hospital. He wasn't physically hurt but had lost his memories. A few days in the hospital, he soon became delusional and paranoid. He sees a shadow of a girl about his age and started calling to her, but she didn't answer and walked off. He followed her, entering a room he had even seen before. He walks around, exploring the place. He finds little bits of pieces of he memories. Along with people he had never seen in his 'life'. He finds everything odd and feels like something important to him is disappearing. He wants to find out more about himself and of his memories he once had. Yet, in the end, decisions turn to regret.
I want to try and make a meaningful(?) and sad/happy(?) game. I don't know. (cheeks)
If it isn't confusing, then good? I did better at explaining...? Maybe. Maybe not. I don't know.
I feel like this is a bad description. Haha, sorry if it is!(wink)
That was even a damn good description, it seems to me that you already have planned in advance this story a whole while. From the way you described it , I must say it's almost like a little movie script. I am looking forward to it.
For sure. There are 3 rules I now follow: 1) Don't over-think things, you'll over-complicate things; 2) Think what you want to write, and how you want to write it, before you write it; 3) When you've written it, think about how it can be shortened (if necessary). Most of the time that helps.


Mr.Gaming ~
Really? It was? I kind of felt like I was going to tell the whole story in the description.
Well. I have been thinking about it for a while now. About 4-5 months. Not very long, but yeah.
I also had other ideas that would kind of relate to this, but with a different storyline.
Well. I'll be honest. I guess you can say that it's almost like a little movie script. Since I would always have the story of the game rolling in my head. Thinking of scenes that would probably happen in the story or not. Thinking of both situations and solutions. I mostly think about the ending of the game. And if things connect together or not.(joyful)

Companion Wulf ~
I can agree with those. Yet. I see myself breaking them in the past, doing everything at the same time. (snicker)
I'll keep those rules in mind.
1) I think I do that every time I think about things.
2) That's complicated. I would usually just think. When writing it down, I freak out because I don't know how to start it.
3) Well. I can do that.

I might download RPG Maker VX Ace if I get a chance. I don't know. But first. Ima start off with RPG Maker MV. (blush)
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Towns Guard
Some people can write a vision in a few months and others as for example, I write 2 years at a story and are never really satisfied. But that's just sometimes like that. There is one more thing that you should keep in mind, taking a break from timt to time, so that you not over do Things, or it may burn you out some times.


Wow. That's kind of a long time. 2 years and never really satisfied. That must be tough.
Then again. The longer the wait, the better? I don't know. Haha.
Alright. I'll keep that in mind.
Thanks! (blush)


Towns Guard
Sometimes the exact opposite can happen thereof. Let's just say I have Researched long for certain things .


True. It's good to research things. Speaking of which, I actually should research things. Just incase I need'em. (glad)
Yet. I see myself breaking them in the past, doing everything at the same time.
Rules can be broken or bent, but not if they're so much so they can't be fixed. (wink)

Some people can write a vision in a few months and others as for example, I write 2 years at a story and are never really satisfied. But that's just sometimes like that. There is one more thing that you should keep in mind, taking a break from timt to time, so that you not over do Things, or it may burn you out some times.
Can't argue with that. It actually took me 5 years (on and off) to write the full original story for Otherworld and since its conversion to RMMV (including the started-but-not-finished XP/VX/VXA "Paranormality" versions), its rewrites to accommodate other characters and ideas, and its storylines has taken a total 10 years to write. But it's now taking far LESS time to write for the game.


Towns Guard
You can send to others Pn's, this would even be advisable because this forumarea is really just about introducing new members.