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Hey guys! New Member Approaches!


Towns Guard
Hellos to the RPGMV community! My name is Panman14 and I specialize in music composition/production. I've always loved video games and i've grown to appreciate and conceptualize the development of games (especially RPGs). That being said, this is my first real time trying to do anything in the field like using an engine like RPG Maker, Game designing, mapping, etc. That on top of me being shy and seclusive means i'm probably going to fall flat on my face so I'm trying to break out of my shell a bit and hopefully do something with this.

For those interested in my music, I use Sample Libraries and Audio Units to compose Jazz, Orchestral, and sometimes Rock. I actually have a small Channel on Youtube(under the same name) with some original compositions for RPG maker, a game i'm currently trying to develope and remixes from Mario Kart if you wish to hear some of my tracks. Didn't want to promote my channel this way but I don't have a Soundcloud so.....yeah.

*waits awkwardly for replies* xD


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Welcome to the forums @Panman14! *subscribes*

We're all still learning here, so don't worry about falling on your face! Also, it's awesome to have another musician join in - we don't seem to have too many yet. I'll be sure and check out your music! I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of game you'll be working on. :)


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Hey and welcome to the forum :D so this is your first time using rpg maker? We have a lot of tutorials and stuff her for new members. Also if you need help or have any questions feel free to ask. Hope youll share some of your music soon C: Have fun here~
@Kaimen look another musician o///o

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Welcome aboard @Panman14 , It's always a pleasure having more of you musical creators around, they seem to be very friendly, @Kaimen is going to make a big scene out of you, he's a music artist too and loves it when new music artists come aboard, because right now they're the minority lol. Anyways I hope you get comfortable here and share as much s you can, I look forward to seeing you around. Cheers :D


Staff member
Resource Team
Hello and welcome to the forums! I'm glad to have you here, there's a few musical artists here, so I hope you can all learn from one another :D If you need anything feel free to let me know!


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
How nice of both @Cunechan and @LTN Games to tag me in their replies so I definitely won't miss this introduction thread. Very appreciated guys. And yes, they are right. For the longest time I've been the only musician on here. Luckily that has changed now but we're still lacking some sort of variety. And that is why I am so happy to welcome you, @Panman14! Welcome to the forum where there's no "envy" only "MV".
I have listened to some of your work and I gotta say, you definitely have a feel for classic (16-bit) RPG music it seems. And not just that. Your songs reminded me of Final Fantasy, the Tales series and so much more. As a more "unconventional" composer myself I really like that. Looking forward to hearing more from you in the future! :)

And, by the way, you should really think about a Soundcloud profile. Hosting music is so much easier on there than it is on Youtube. It's also pretty much the standard go-to platform for most composers I know. If you ever happen to be on Soundcloud tell me so I can leave you a follow. ^_^


Towns Guard
Thank you guys for having me. No idea that Musicians were low here as I've been checking this site out off and on. :)

@Amysaurus lol. Thanks for the support for here and my channel. My game is still in the conceptualize phase due to it being story based.

@Cunechan I wouldn't say it's my first time using the program (as I played around with Ace) but this is my first time trying to get serious about it. I've seen some tutorials already but it doesn't hurt to learn more. Thank you.

@LTN Games Thank you very much. I currently don't have anything new to post yet but I try to post when I get some stuff made. :)

@Xyphien Sure thing. I'll try not to bother you and the rest of you guys too much. :)

@Kaimen "no envy just MV" I like that lol! xD Thanks for the feedback, (I wasn't expecting feedback so soon) those titles are huge inspiration for my music. Far as the Soundcloud, I did think about that but I wanted to learn a little bit more about Mixing Essentials before making one and keeping it updated and such. I don't know. I might just use Soundcloud to post my original works and leave Youtube to my remixes. I'm actually about to go listen to your stuff on Soundcloud as well.

@MinisterJay The 14 is more of a random number to everyone but to me, it's a personal representation of how I started making music. (This might be a bit complicated) My first musical software was a use-to-be freeware called Noteworthy Composer. Because of my CPU limitations at the time. I could only use 7 tracks in any given song. After growing up a bit and realizing that the tracks I had were Stereo (meaning 2 channels/or duplicates in one track), I picked the number when I created my 1st youtube account to add to the musical play on words in my overall name. Nobody got it but I loved the creativity behind it so I kept it and now it serves as a reminder to me of how much I sucked back then. Sorry for the ramble. :)


Staff member
@MinisterJay The 14 is more of a random number to everyone but to me, it's a personal representation of how I started making music. (This might be a bit complicated) My first musical software was a use-to-be freeware called Noteworthy Composer. Because of my CPU limitations at the time. I could only use 7 tracks in any given song. After growing up a bit and realizing that the tracks I had were Stereo (meaning 2 channels/or duplicates in one track), I picked the number when I created my 1st youtube account to add to the musical play on words in my overall name. Nobody got it but I loved the creativity behind it so I kept it and now it serves as a reminder to me of how much I sucked back then. Sorry for the ramble. :)
Thanks for sharing @Panman14 . I am a number's nerd, and those numbers can be pretty significant to us.
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The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
"no envy just MV" I like that lol! XD Thanks for the feedback, (I wasn't expecting feedback so soon) those titles are huge inspiration for my music. Far as the Soundcloud, I did think about that but I wanted to learn a little bit more about Mixing Essentials before making one and keeping it updated and such. I don't know. I might just use Soundcloud to post my original works and leave Youtube to my remixes. I'm actually about to go listen to your stuff on Soundcloud as well.
Dude, I started my Soundcloud way back when I didn't know jack about composing (so... about two years ago XD) and frankly it doesn't matter whether you know about all the technical stuff or not. I like your idea of only uploading your original work to your Soundcloud though. Keeps stuff organized. I used to upload everything I made to Soundcloud and it was a mess. :D


Towns Guard
Dude, I started my Soundcloud way back when I didn't know jack about composing (so... about two years ago XD) and frankly it doesn't matter whether you know about all the technical stuff or not. I like your idea of only uploading your original work to your Soundcloud though. Keeps stuff organized. I used to upload everything I made to Soundcloud and it was a mess. :D
I guess you're right. I actually listened to some of your stuff yesterday (before I got called into work Dx) and I like what I hear! Especially Sacred Place of the Waters. My Soundcloud is set up and I already followed you. I also wanted to ask: I know how to properly format the tracks but how would I got about turning those tracks into a MV Music Pack like what you're trying to do? (or did?)

@Xyphien Alright. Thank you. :)


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
I know how to properly format the tracks but how would I got about turning those tracks into a MV Music Pack like what you're trying to do? (or did?)
I don't know what exactly you want to know here. My "MV Music Pack" is just a collection of songs I'm working on which will be available for use in RPG Maker once it's done. So, if you know how to properly format the tracks (i.e. make looping .oggs) then just zip 'em up in an archive and put them in the resource section just like I did with some of my older work.
That "MV Music Pack" is just a personal project which I eventually want to sell to users of RPG Maker. That's all. :)


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Sorry for the confusion but yes. I meant going about selling it. I was thinking about doing the same thing as you. lol
I still need to figure this out completely but what I'm planning to do is, upload the music pack to Bandcamp (or something similar) and let everything go via that platform. As far as I know, those platforms let you set up extras for people who purchase your product, so a purchase of my music pack would give them the standard .mp3s plus the extra looping .oggs for instant use in RPG Maker. :)