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Help Please - Script calls - commands


Hello everyone! (Sorry for my english in advanced)
I am trying to make a movement route to an event (by scripting) but i have no idea scripting..
But i guess (hope) it is kinda of easy what i need..
1 Step) Event Command = Show Animation: This event, Hit Thunder

2 Step) Script = i want the event to turn away from the player

3 Step) Script = I want the event to move forward - until it will find an unpassable tile (Like the inside parameter (=Skip if cannot move) .. that exists inside: event/autonomous movement/route

4 step) Script: If the tile is unpassable i need 3 actions!
  • First to stop the animation (Step 1*)
  • self switch this event A = On
  • Break Loop
In other words what i need i guess it should look something like this
But i dont know how to write it (So please help)! :P

Event Command =
Show Animation: This event, Hit Thunder

Scripting? =
if this.processRouteEnd();
Stop Animation Thunder
Self switch A = On
break loop
repeat loop
Thanx in Advance!