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Help needed with a new RPG.


Hey everyone!

I'm currently working on a new RPG and my mind has run into errors.
I have a pretty clear idea of what I would like to have in my game and how everything would work.

I'm sure all of you know how RPG Maker MV has this "battle screen" system in it...
I started using this program when I got the idea of making this game (2 months ago) so I haven't worked with this program before (also haven't worked with VX Ace or XP). That means I don't know much about this all.

Also, I have already searched this same thing on Google and Youtube, literally for hours (maybe even days now if I would sum it all up)... With no results so I really hope that someone can help me.

My question is... Is there a way to not have this battle screen ingame but still have combat in the game?
I would love to have this ingame combat system (without the battle screen) in my game. I really don't want to have the battle screen combat..

Sorry if all of this was too messy to understand.
I hope that there is someone here who could help me.
All help is appreciated!


LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I believe what you're looking for is an ABS(Action Battle System) where you don't transition to a separate battle scene to fight from a side view or front view angle. An action battle system is live, on the map so when an enemy roams near you on the map while walking around you can swing your sword or cast a spell. There is one plugin available that can help you achieve this but it may be a bit of a learning curve for you.
If you follow this link and in the upper right corner, click download zip, it will download the demo for you and you can open that up and test it out and see how things are done. I hope I did not misunderstand you, if so just let me know.


I believe what you're looking for is an ABS(Action Battle System) where you don't transition to a separate battle scene to fight from a side view or front view angle. An action battle system is live, on the map so when an enemy roams near you on the map while walking around you can swing your sword or cast a spell. There is one plugin available that can help you achieve this but it may be a bit of a learning curve for you.
If you follow this link and in the upper right corner, click download zip, it will download the demo for you and you can open that up and test it out and see how things are done. I hope I did not misunderstand you, if so just let me know.
Hey thanks for the fast reply! Although I can't play the demo, i looks messy or something.. When I click on play it's just a black screen.
I'm going to search on Google and Youtube for "ABS" then. :) I will let you know if this is the right thing. :)
Thank you LTN Games!
[doublepost=1466208795,1466206363][/doublepost]Right, I found the ABS, (got the demo working aswell, looks amazing :) )
Now.. This is still in development though... And it is like a whole new plugin that Quasi is making...
I've seen people using (what I think could be a script or a whole lot of them) to make this same thing but not so detailed and complicated...
Have any ideas of these scripts?

Thank you for the help,
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