Indie Dev

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Hello there :D

Hi (blush)
My name is Anna. I live in germany and my english is veeeery bad :,D so, sorry for the bad introducing (glee)

I'm very new in mapping and anything else with MV.
I have also XP but with this program, I've even less knowledge :,D *sad violin music playing*(silent)

And that's why I'm here \o/

I hope I can learn more about the new tileset system ( A1, A2 etc.) that makes me a bit confused, cuz in XP are layers.
Yes, I know 1,2,3,4 and 5 are "layers" too, but it's still different for me (tears)

Wish all of you a nice time wherever you are

Yours Anna(girly)


Praised Adventurer
Resource Team
Welcome Anna! We're happy to have you here :) Feel free to PM me if you have any questions about how the tileset system works (or anything else too)


Staff member
Resource Team
Hello and welcome to the community :) I'm glad to see you here and look forward to the community! If you're looking to learn more about MV you've came to the right place :D
Aww thank you so much for the reaction to my thread (cheeky)

by now ich search files and test them in a project calls " Try and bla " (amazed)

I want to by halfway perfect before I creat a real game (cat)