Indie Dev

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Hello, I am me

Username : AdmiralCrayon
Name : Lord Goldon of the Spectrum lands, my friends call me Jesus because I can walk on cucumbers. Cucumbers are 98% water and Jesus can walk on water, therefore I am Jesus.
Gender : Boy on mondays, overly manly on other days of the week.

Hobbies : Video games, Editing, Music
I appreciate : Me
I dislike: My neighbor, Loki from The Avengers, Terrorists, Thomas Shmidt, When I get stuff I didn't order at the restaurant, When people cannot say a simple "thank you" or "please", Having to make a presentation, Mowing the lawn, Being tied to a chair while a gigantic alien looking thing shoots me with a lazer, Having to listen to my friend's bad music, Struggling to find new ideas, Wounds, Burns, Canned vegetables, Work, Your attitude, Rotten food, Being unable to complete that one level in a game, Finding disappointing answers, writing essays and basically everything else.

Experience : I've been working on RPG Maker for about 6 years, but I've also left the program several times, and for long periods as well. So it's more like a 2 year experience here. I started working with the program again in late april.
RPG Maker level : I would say I'm pretty polyvalent with everything, graphical assets, composing music, eventing, mapping, etc. But since I'm working on all these things together, I haven't been able to perfect any of those which means that in the end, I'm pretty bad at everything.
Currently working on : Catfish. The title is pretty self-explanatory.

So here you go guys, you know everything about me. if anyone is interested, hit me up on EliteSingles.

No but seriously, I joined this because- Well, I've been working on my project for a while now and being alone in this whole thing is a complete pain in the arsenal so I figured out it would be nice to be able to share things with other people, and maybe help in some ways, or be able to ask for help so I don't struggle for ages trying to figure things out by myself. I also joined another french community but they weren't alive enough for me- I hope I will have a great time around and I'd like to thank everyone in advance for your welcomes because I know this thread will be overflowing with them. I am so cool after all.


Welcome. I am a long time user of RpgMaker. But I am new to this board. I have aready been shown a lot of support from hear. More than any other board. Can't wait to see your work.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Hi and welcome to the forums ^^ You and I have some things in common as far as i can see XD Anyways welcome and feel free to ask if you need anything. Have a nice time and hope to see you around :P


Staff member
Hi AdmiralCrayon, and welcome to the community. If you are looking for a team, there are special areas of this forum to do that. With Catfish, are you talking about that scaleless fish, or the baseball legend? Not so self-explanatory after all. ;)