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Hello from hell


Hi, I'm Erika. I usually do high-res graphics and animate in Spine. Actually, Spine brought me here multiple times, as I'm c̶r̶y̶i̶n̶g̶ eagerly trying to shove some Spine magic into the RPG Maker MV I recently bought.

Actually I'm new to coding, and I'm new to RPG Maker, so I managed to get the script work with the basic example animations files (in 2 days Q.Q) and now I'm having nightmares because yes it works but it is below everything and there's no way to get z-index or I don't know a good method that won't keep repeating something is missing yet.

About me: &
I'm almost 25, I love tea, play the bass and sing a little bit, like science and psychology, enjoy puppies, and splatter (in proper contexts lol).

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Oh no, you're from hell? Are you okay, do you need help out? Hehe, welcome aboard @Erikari I'm glad you signed up to our friendly community. You know I think spine would be pretty badass in MV, it would make some really pretty games. Are you a programmer too? Or is there already a plugin to help with the spine migration? Anyway, I hope to see you around, see you for now.


Scripting dragged me in hell lol. Well so far there's this nice thing that RMMV is Pixi.js based and there's already a pixi-spine.js script. On the web only a Japanese guy got it working but he didn't share anything really useful unfortunately, but it gave a good hint of what should be done. Actually no, I've worked with awesome programmers but I'm just a humble animator that bought RMMV to fulfill her personal pleasures, but I'm even learing Javascript in these days in order to get Spine work in it, I really wish to make it, although the fact that I'm new to both scripting and this program are not really so friendly, so at least this community is! :D

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Scripting dragged me in hell lol. Well so far there's this nice thing that RMMV is Pixi.js based and there's already a pixi-spine.js script. On the web only a Japanese guy got it working but he didn't share anything really useful unfortunately, but it gave a good hint of what should be done. Actually no, I've worked with awesome programmers but I'm just a humble animator that bought RMMV to fulfill her personal pleasures, but I'm even learing Javascript in these days in order to get Spine work in it, I really wish to make it, although the fact that I'm new to both scripting and this program are not really so friendly, so at least this community is! :D
Haha, I find a single thought of developing your own game and you end up learning everything it involves, including programming lol. I'm the same way, I know all kinds of skills and really enjoy Javascript at the moment, I been learning a lot, I don't know everything but I know 80% more than what I knew last year.
Anyways, I'm taking a look at your support question now and thinking of some scenarios now, see you over there (snicker)


Resident Dragon
Welcome to our glorious hovel. Seek shelter from hell in the penthouse suite near HellCon (that's my place lol).

Can't wait to see your work! :D


Global Moderator
Hi Erikari- a lovely name you have, I must say. I've never heard of Spine- what kind of program is that? Or game. You get my point. xD

I hope RPGMaker helps you do what you're hoping to accomplish! And that we can help, too.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Hello there and welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay here and of course have fun!

Tea during winter is a delight.


Hello everyone! actually no (: I'm mainly an animator and illustrator, I just wanted to be able to use my tools inside a game. Seems like I won't be able to do this in RPG Maker for now tough. S:


Global Moderator
Personally, that doesn't make it sound like you won't be able to use your tools in a game- if anything, it seems really likely you can to me. Illustration and animation are important parts of game development, I think. That you have skills in that is pretty neat. By the way, did you design your forum icon yourself? It's adorable.