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Half of the Actors Battle Sprites are missing in RPGMaker MV!


Is it this way by Default or did something happen while installing and is missing resources?
Can anyone please confirm if they have all the actors fight Images from the Default RTP that Comes with MV or not?
In Particular I'm missing the 3_1, 3_2, 3_3, 3_4
They should be in the sv_actors Folder but they aren't.
Since I'm not sure if we are missing these by cause or not I thought I'll ask before I make a resource request under the requests Forum.

Thanks a lot in advance! :)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Is it this way by Default or did something happen while installing and is missing resources?
Can anyone please confirm if they have all the actors fight Images from the Default RTP that Comes with MV or not?
In Particular I'm missing the 3_1, 3_2, 3_3, 3_4
They should be in the sv_actors Folder but they aren't.
Since I'm not sure if we are missing these by cause or not I thought I'll ask before I make a resource request under the requests Forum.

Thanks a lot in advance! :)
3_1 to 3_4 have no sideview battlers. Source


I read that thread, that moderator is dull as a butter knife. The battlers are missing simply because of error or accident of whoever packaged the game. I'm not screaming bloody murder about it, just because the people who made it are human. I hope they see it and fix it, though.


Really don't understand why they didn't include these animations.
These characters are supposed to be main characters after all, not side characters like the People or Evil and such.
These animations should had been in from the start or at least delivered through a patch after.


Cyborg Kiwi
Is it this way by Default or did something happen while installing and is missing resources?
Can anyone please confirm if they have all the actors fight Images from the Default RTP that Comes with MV or not?
In Particular I'm missing the 3_1, 3_2, 3_3, 3_4
They should be in the sv_actors Folder but they aren't.
Since I'm not sure if we are missing these by cause or not I thought I'll ask before I make a resource request under the requests Forum.

Thanks a lot in advance! :)
I'm pretty sure this is default, as no one actually has 3_3 and 3_4. But, I did get 3_1 & 3_2 though?
Maybe your missing some files. I could upload them if I knew it were safe, but I better not. Just in case.