Indie Dev

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Guten tag, dudes and dudettes.


Nah, I'm not German.

My username's Oceangun, and I'm fairly sure there's another user on here with the name Ocean, but I like that, too.

Anyway, my first RPG Maker is MV, and I'm loving it so far. There was a lot of trial and error at first, but I've figured out how to work it thanks to Echo607's Youtube tutorials and the manual. I'm currently working on my first game as a just-for-fun summer project. I'm using a lot of the original sprites, but I due to the nature of my game I use a lot of other actors from different packs. I focus mainly on the storyline, so I'm more of a writer than anything in that sense.

So yes, hope to get along with y'all.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Hi and welcome to the forums xD lol I thought you were German too at the beginning, you tricked me there~
Anyways glad to have you here and Echo's videos are awesome, right? Feel freeee to ask if you have any problems and hope to see you around. Have a lot of fun :D


@MinisterJay : Thanks, mate. I typically like writing adventure, mystery, and supernatural. Now, NORMALLY I would draw it out on a sketchbook, but ever since I took up game making I found it to be a really nice medium for storytelling. (Cough, as a result my game has a lot of cutscenes like MGS4 on steroids)

@Cunechan : Danke! Bahaha. Yeah, Echo's videos are the bomb (her voice is fascinating to listen to, too xD) I'll be sure to ask my noob questions when they come up. Thanks for the welcome. :)