Indie Dev

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Greetings & Salutations


Resident Dragon
G'day folks! Lore's my name, hailing from that great big island in the middle of nowhere, Australia. :)

I'm new to making RPGs, so please forgive me if I seem to ask silly questions. ;) Everyone has to start somewhere :)

So again, g'day, and I'm looking forward to learning from you fine folk. :)


Towns Guard
Hi Lore, and welcome.

Don't be shy and ask those questions! I experience this community as a quite helpful one. And as you said yourself: Everyone starts as a beginner. ;)
May you have a fun time in these forums!


Praised Adventurer
Good afternoon, Lore, and ...

... Plenty to read and amuse you here, and lots to learn and share. Ask away when you have questions, it's all good.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Hi and welcome to the forums :D
Don't worry, everyone (no, not everyone. But I) asks silly questions. And We're all happy to help and answer them c: So feel free to ask if you encounter any problems and have a lot of fun here~


Staff member
Hu Lore and welcome to the community. I apologize for the ;ate welcoming. A question is only silly, if it isn't asked. ;)