Indie Dev

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Greetings, I am zath


Short version: Hi! I make music. For you?

Long version:

I'm a composer and sound designer. Or, well... that's my "career", when really my "job" is delivering mail. Except, at the moment, I'm healing up from foot surgery. Good times!

So that has left me with a lot of time to poke the Internet, and I'm starting to think that the epic radio drama that I wanted to make would actually work better as an RPG. Or maybe it'd be "supplemental material."

Then more Internet poking led me to RPG Maker, so here I am.

I've been making music for fun and a little profit since 1998. Yeah, the 1900s, I know. That's a long time ago. I started on Impulse Tracker, and I still use it on rare occasions.
Maybe you've heard of VERGE? I won't blame you if you haven't, but it was an amateur game engine from that period. Some of the people involved with it moved on to make projects that actually sold, and I was lucky enough to work with the ones who made Dungeons of Dredmor. I'm the guy who tells you that your health is low.
Oh, and I wrote all the music and made a fair number of sound effects too. (Way to bury the lead, zath!)

After that, I made music and sounds for Clockwork Empires (which just went Beta, yay!) and Sully: A Very Serious RPG (which will come out at some point, for realsies). But I can always make more RPG music, because that's my favorite thing to do.

I'm a little curious about making a music pack to sell on RPG Maker's site, or on Steam, or somewhere else that would sell such things. Most of the music I've written for games has been on commission, and I'd be happy to do more of that too.
I didn't come here specifically to promote my existing work or try to sell stuff, since I am interested in making a game too...

...but I'll do those things as well!
(right now there's a music bundle for sale on Groupees that has the Dredmor soundtrack in it. - $2 minimum, 9+ soundtracks, MyMusicRX charity gets a cut, the highest contributor gets a custom voice message in the style of the YOU NEED MORE MANA DRINK MORE BOOZE guy).

So, yeah! Long-winded introduction. Nice to meet you, have a splendid day.


Staff member
I've been making music for fun and a little profit since 1998. Yeah, the 1900s, I know. That's a long time ago. I started on Impulse Tracker, and I still use it on rare occasions.
Hi zath, and welcome to the community. THANKS for the introduction. For some of us 1998 is not a long time ago. I made my first RPG in 1983. I did get my Bachelor's of Science degree in '98.

Looking forward to hearing some of your compositions.


Hi zath, and welcome to the community. THANKS for the introduction. For some of us 1998 is not a long time ago. I made my first RPG in 1983. I did get my Bachelor's of Science degree in '98.

Looking forward to hearing some of your compositions.
Awesome! Thanks for the welcome. I feel welcomed. :)
Yeah, 1998 isn't that long ago. It seems that my musical style generally centers around mid-90s JRPGs, so I spend a lot of time there in my head.

Here are some tracks from Sully: A Very Serious RPG, which definitely feels 90s.