Indie Dev

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Greetings from the Neverscape!

Did you know me in the VX Ace forums?

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Hello there and thanks for checking out my intro thread!

I'm Hannah, (or Phaetum, or if you knew me from RPGmaker VX Ace forums, Neverward.) an artist, writer, and developer of awesome ideas! I'm an avid gamer and have been since I had my portable PS1 at 7 years old. I love it all, RPG's, shoot-em-ups, sandbox, farm sims, everything is worth trying out.

I migrated here from RPGmaker VX Ace which was a really great program, but it had limitations that made it difficult to achieve my (admittedly way too large) dream. I took a hiatus in hopes that a new system would come out and Viola! RPGmaker MV is everything I wanted and more, and I can't wait to jump right back into asset making and story crafting, this time with a reasonable and very achievable goal. I'm passionate about Sci-Fi adventures and will be working on something along those lines which eventually I will reveal (but not too soon!)

I'll certainly be looking for help as far as programming goes! Even though I plan to learn java, I will be on the forums frequently surfing resources, giving feedback, and generally getting inspired (and hopefully inspiring others!)

I love to help out as well so I hope I can do things like give out free resources, help with projects that need small tasks like voice recordings or playtesting, and just generally be supportive.

Thanks again for stopping by, and I'll see you on the flip side.
Hey welcome! Didn't know you from the previous forums but I took a much longer hiatus from XP to this pretty much.

You should learn Javascript as a note not Java, Java is a little bit useless these days considering all the security bugs it has inside.

Do you have a good microphone as a note? You mentioned voice acting just so just wondering.

As far as programing there are a lot of talented people on here that can definitely help you out.


Thanks a lot for the tip, I didn't even know there was a difference! Haha, obviously I don't script much. I dabbled in C++ and HTML which was fun so I feel like I can jive with Javascript ^^ And yeah I have a pretty nice mic I just need to set it and the voice filter up. I like acting and reading out loud so I always thought voice acting would be fun!


Staff member
Hi @Phaetum , and welcome to the community. I was on the Ace forums for a while. I even have a premium forum there at the bottom. I am afraid that I do not recall you. it has been a while since I was a regular though. Welcome to the MV forum. I personally like MV a lot more than Ace. I also prefer the organization of this forum. Looking forward to seeing you around.
This might a little forward, but when you get setup and I post up my project I'll send you a link cause I'll need good voice actors with fairly good microphones.

HTML will help however it's a markup language (apart from HTML5 which is becoming both) however C++ will help a lot!


Go right ahead and send me a link. It's not set up now but it sure wouldn't be a problem. I create my own music assets so it's nice to have all sorts of equipment hooked up.

And thanks a lot for the welcome Minister Jay, I certainly recognize the most prolific resource creator I've yet seen haha, but I'm not surprised you don't remember me ;) I'm quiet unless it's on topics I'm really excited about.


Staff member
And thanks a lot for the welcome Minister Jay, I certainly recognize the most prolific resource creator I've yet seen haha, but I'm not surprised you don't remember me ;) I'm quiet unless it's on topics I'm really excited about.
You might have also joined after I visited there less often. ;) Glad to have you in the community.