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Glowing Gate Help

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Towns Guard
Trying to make the Large stone 'gate' glow, you will have probably seen it but The tileset I am using does not include the glowing gate only the normal one, here is a screenshot.


The event just triggers another event based around the gate, can be moved if necessary, also, I want the gate only to glow when a certain item is near it (So basically all i would do, theoretically, would be select the Item under the Events requirements) unless there is a way to make it so if the player with said item is withing X radius of the gate - it glows. Quick Note - I am not using any Plugins and am going to be stubborn and not use any at all, I'm hard work, but I like the challenge and finding ways around problems. Thanks.

P.S. Here is the Gate/Rune Thing's current Code. Ignore the TP Commands and things, Map not implemented yet. Just thought I'd show you so you know what you're dealing with!
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Praised Adventurer
@BeeTree02 ...

Stubborn..? You're not alone; I, too, decided to not get sucked into the Dark Realm of plug-ins (although I've now a couple of very modest ones I'm comfortable with...
). But back to your question...
There are several ways of getting the Gate to glow, and I took the easy option and cheated..! I trigger an Animation (Glowing Light...), centred on an Event placed over the lower middle of the Gate. I trigger the Animation with Show Animation: [Event], Glowing Light, Wait. I suppose that it's possible to loop that command in some way, but for my needs, I only wanted a one-off glow. The trigger could be a Tile (or Tiles...) placed around the Gate. If the Gate is moving (unusual, I'd have thought, but why not..?), your 'X-Y' detection will do the business, too; you'll want to have a Parallel Process running at Map start, I'd think (well, that's how I do it, anyway...).
In my 'Dungeon' Tileset, there is a Blue Gate, which I get to switch on at a certain moment, so that the Grey Gate becomes Blue. That's done by covering the Grey Gate with a series of Events, all with Page 1 blank, then turning on all of the Page 2's, which have the relevant Blue Gate Tiles, and are dependant on a Blue_Gate Switch. Bingo..! A Blue Gate..!
Does any of this help at all..?


Towns Guard
It does indeed help. That Page changing was what I was thinking also... So... i have an idea... Is it possible to copy the glowing gate sprite from the other tile-set into this one do you think? That way, I could do it like that. The X/Y thing could work, and the gate is stationary... but do you possiable know how I could set it up to use the X/Y Location, I'm thinking Using variables for/monitoring the X/Y of both the player and the gate and seeing if there is a way to trigger the event if "Player X/Y = Gate X/Y + 'Inset Number - lets say, 1' " so if it was one square off it would trigger the event perhaps? But I would still have to monitor whether or not the Light Orb item Is Present.
Here's what I have done so far - Started new project just for Event Testing, etc... so I have a free database to mess with!


Each of the Sections on the gate will end up with the same code...
That's the starting point right now...
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Praised Adventurer
What Tileset are you currently using..? Are there any free slots in it (B-E are all used..?) If not, the 'B' part of the Dungeon Tileset could be inserted into your current Tileset.
If all the slots are used up, you could 'sacrifice' some space in any of your B-E png image files and 'lift' the Blue Gate from Dungeon and place it in the sacrificed space. You'll need a graphic programme that respects the alpha transparency for that (not MS Paint; rather GIMP or Photoshop or the like...). In absolute terms, the Blue Gate Tiles do not have to be arranged in that exact position in the Tileset; it just makes things much more simple. Ask again if there are problems with editing Tilesets in that fashion.
Here's a screenshot of one of my X-Y detection Events (A Madpie descends to swipe something if it's flying over the Hero...). If you have a condition to be respected, such as the presence of an Orb, you could test that before anything else in the Event, and so only do the X-Y test at all if the Orb is present. Otherwise, you could test the presence once the X-Y coincide, that depends somewhat on your gameplay..?
You're getting closer and closer, it would seem..!

You may note that, in this case, there's no point in testing 'Y' at all if 'X' is not equal..! This saves testing for nowt.
This Event would be placed in some unobtrusive part of the screen (by convention, I place all such Events top left, if possible, and group them if there are several...). It's also Good Practise to name all Events of any importance. Optional, but highly recommended.

(It's Good Practise to put the screenshots between 'spoiler' tags; this keeps the whole thread tidier and simplifies reading through, and so encouraging more replies. Just sayin'...)
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Towns Guard
Got It. Currently using the Dungeon Tile-Set, And since using only the Base assets, I should have room to fit in the new Tile-set. Shame there is a limit to how may Tile-sets you ca have... Or else I would just Compile it all into one... would make building/mapping things a little easier :D

How exactly would I add in the new tile-set section to the current one used on the map used in the actual game?


Praised Adventurer
@BeeTree02 ...

Here's a '101' walk-through (The RPGMaker MV Help stuff is pretty instructive, too, and worth perusing at leisure. There's much there that will inspire, and that one wouldn't guess...).

Step 1: A new, empty Project. My default Tileset here has only A-C...

Step 2: Open the Database, Tilesets ...

Under General Settings, Images, choose the Image to be used in the Slot 'D' (here, Dungeon 'B'...)...

We see here that the Slot D' is now occupied...
If one looks carefully, it can be seen that the 'Passage' for the Blue Gate has been modified. When inserted into this new Slot, all the Passage markers are set to 'O' (allowing passage...). It is important to manually modify all Tiles to have the Passage really wanted (in this case, the Blue Gate has 'X' for the lower Tiles, and '*' for the upper Tiles, thus blocking passage for the bottom Tiles, but allowing the Hero to 'go behind' the upper Tiles. This has to be done for all the Tiles that will be used on this Map. It can be a chore, but should not be neglected.

Here we see that there is now a Slot 'D', and the Blue Gate may be added to our Map...

... and here is the Game being run, showing the Hero peeking cheekily from 'behind' the Blue Gate. Mission accomplished.

Hope this helps.
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