Indie Dev

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Game in development. Lost memory's recruitment


Synopsis & Goals
The game is a story driven adventure rpg based on exploring the Kingdom Of Vorehan. The main feature of the game that will set it apart is to be still decided. Still in the very early stages but will most likely have an abs system) My intent is "semi- permanent team (i work on this my free time but would like to have people help me move it along see bottom for more details)

Plot and Characters

In the year 2224 rouge scientist are trying to find the book of the infinity bloodline to bring the gods back to the world because the underworld enemies have returned and they believe the god of the underworld can help .They have traced a hand full of people that lineage date back to the time when they roamed the wold. They have taken kids from the families and perform Secret tests on them, As they perform they test they wipe there memories and put then in a virtual dream world( were the game takes place) were they think they live. the game Depend on your actions changes the outcome of events and the ending of the game.

Edit: note book is lost so it will be simple 12/13

Main character/name
Class /Either Knight or you choice at beginning of game
Age 18
Race Human

class archer
age 20
Race human

Class mage
age 2,019 years looks 60
Race elf

class archaeologist
age 25
Race Star
Stars resemble glittering people all with long hair like burning silver

Had 2 more people for the party but there names and other stuff are in my lost book will update if i remember or find book 12/13

Positions Available and Currently Filled
*A Sprite Creator
*A Music Creator
*A Furniture and Tile set Creator( for buildings trees ect)
*Someone Experienced In RPG MAKER MV and JavaScript in the program.
*An Artist
*Script Writer
*Voice Actors (possible tbd)
*Story writer and just general writer
*Map creator-me
*Map creator with parallax mapping

unique skill tree
Abs battle system or other system
Random events in the world
Treasurers hunter (example finding treasurer, notes on back story for gods and scientists lore)
Monster hunting/pets
Smiting forge
potion making
unique HUD
Memory keys

More to come rest are in notebook at home. Edit Notebook is lost looking for it right now 12/13

This game will be free but hope in the future that the next game will be amazing for stream green light. and for sale :P
Name game to be changed TBA

Update 12/13 lost my notebook with my rpg notes

Discord preferred

contact me here or at
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