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Game Dev Battle Match 2: Xyphien Vs. LTN_Games


  • Xyphien

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • LTN Games

    Votes: 3 50.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Staff member
The second match is between @Xyphien and @LTN Games .

Xyphien's Game Links

Windows : Mac

LTN's Game Links

Windows : Mac
X-13 Quantum(LTN Games)

You wake up after 3 months of being in a cryo-chamber, the ship is empty and drifting in space, the engines are not running and it seems the power is malfunctioning, You must explore the X-13 all alone and find clues to what happened during your time in cryostasis but are you truly alone?

Okay that's all you get for a summary, now for a small explanation of what you see on the game screen.
Tut Screenie.png

Aditional Information: This is largely unfinished and unfortunately the Windows version is never ending, I made a mistake with some of the moveable crates which make the game never ending lol In other words once you have made it to the 5F Living Quarters where there is a save point, then that's the end of the game about 6minutes for me. For the mac version, this has been fixed and the ending is not much further, as soon as you make it to the teleporter it's over, so if you use the mac version keep in mind, to vote based on what you have seen up to the living quarters not to the teleporter(not like it will make much of a difference lol).
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Staff member
Resource Team
The Poll has been added! Good luck, also (So not fair that I go up against the winner first XD) Good luck me, I'm going to need it, as LTN's screenshots themselves blew me out of the water (glad).

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
The Poll has been added! Good luck, also (So not fair that I go up against the winner first XD) Good luck me, I'm going to need it, as LTN's screenshots themselves blew me out of the water (glad).
Ahaha, you have a good chance of winning, I may win in the aesthetics department but I literally have no substance to back it up, not only did I mess up the last room transfer , I also never got any good dialogue in there. Good luck though, I'm excited for these battles and will be playing most of the games today.

P.S: I will be editing the OP with a bit of details on my game, and keyboard buttons just in case.
I also uploaded a mac version just for @Minty to be able to play, unfortunately by the time I noticed he needed a mac version I already fixed the two bugs I mentioned above, not sure how we should treat that circumstance but here it is anyway.



Staff member
Resource Team
Ahaha, you have a good chance of winning, I may win in the aesthetics department but I literally have no substance to back it up, not only did I mess up the last room transfer , I also never got any good dialogue in there. Good luck though, I'm excited for these battles and will be playing most of the games today.

P.S: I will be editing the OP with a bit of details on my game, and keyboard buttons just in case.
I also uploaded a mac version just for @Minty to be able to play, unfortunately by the time I noticed he needed a mac version I already fixed the two bugs I mentioned above, not sure how we should treat that circumstance but here it is anyway.

My game lacks in about everything lol. I threw in a little dull humor, but that's it :o

Also, I don't know how to make a mac version sadly, so I won't be making one :( I heard you need a mac itself in order to do it or something right?

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Should be a good battle then (cheeky). As for mac versions I have no idea if you need a mac, I just deployed as mac then zip it up and upload lol. I guess we will find out, since I can't test it at all.


Hi, Bloodlust game has some error : Failed to load: audio/se/Cursor1.ogg
But it can be fixed by copying it from maker, then it works fine.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Omg! I found so many more bugs lol The "To TItle" command exits the game and does not return to title lol. I also noticed I did not implement my reset button for the movable crates, also some crates have no sound effects, sigh. I'll have to update a bug free version after the contest.
Hi, Bloodlust game has some error : Failed to load: audio/se/Cursor1.ogg
This happens because everyone is using the "remove unused resources" option when deploying and not realizing that it does not detect any resources used by plugins and only detects resources used by the editor itself.


don't be sad, your game looks really nice, I love your font using and so.
But its too early, I have to look at both games deeper before cast my lil vote :)


Ahaha, you have a good chance of winning, I may win in the aesthetics department but I literally have no substance to back it up, not only did I mess up the last room transfer , I also never got any good dialogue in there. Good luck though, I'm excited for these battles and will be playing most of the games today.

P.S: I will be editing the OP with a bit of details on my game, and keyboard buttons just in case.
I also uploaded a mac version just for @Minty to be able to play, unfortunately by the time I noticed he needed a mac version I already fixed the two bugs I mentioned above, not sure how we should treat that circumstance but here it is anyway.

Thank you very much for doing so ;v; and I'm female, by the way xD
And no, you don't need the corresponding OS to make Mac or PC versions. You just can't play the PC version on a Mac and vice versa. At least, not without special programs x3
My game lacks in about everything lol. I threw in a little dull humor, but that's it :o

Also, I don't know how to make a mac version sadly, so I won't be making one :( I heard you need a mac itself in order to do it or something right?
Nope! It's the same as deploying for PC, just deploying for Mac instead.


Staff member
Resource Team
This happens because everyone is using the "remove unused resources" option when deploying and not realizing that it does not detect any resources used by plugins and only detects resources used by the editor itself.
Well, that stinks! I'm updating it right now! Should have it up by the end of the day.

Thank you very much for doing so ;v; and I'm female, by the way xD
And no, you don't need the corresponding OS to make Mac or PC versions. You just can't play the PC version on a Mac and vice versa. At least, not without special programs x3
Alright, adding the Mac version as well then! Should be up by the end of the day.

*Btw it's 0620 here, so it's the morning*


The second match is between @Xyphien and @LTN Games .

Xyphien's game link:

LTN's Game Links

Windows : Mac
X-13 Quantum(LTN Games)

You wake up after 3 months of being in a cryo-chamber, the ship is empty and drifting in space, the engines are not running and it seems the power is malfunctioning, You must explore the X-13 all alone and find clues to what happened during your time in cryostasis but are you truly alone?

Okay that's all you get for a summary, now for a small explanation of what you see on the game screen.

Aditional Information: This is largely unfinished and unfortunately the Windows version is never ending, I made a mistake with some of the moveable crates which make the game never ending lol In other words once you have made it to the 5F Living Quarters where there is a save point, then that's the end of the game about 6minutes for me. For the mac version, this has been fixed and the ending is not much further, as soon as you make it to the teleporter it's over, so if you use the mac version keep in mind, to vote based on what you have seen up to the living quarters not to the teleporter(not like it will make much of a difference lol).
I keep getting this error "%20https’s server DNS address could not be found." when trying to download LTN Games game.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I keep getting this error "%20https’s server DNS address could not be found." when trying to download LTN Games game.
Thanks for letting me know, I must have cut the link short and it was directing you to a random place, sorry about that it should be working now though. Same version of the game I just fixed the link.


Nice, x-13 is atmospheric game in the surroundings what i like the most - spaceship mystery ! With cool thingy such as batterylife what boost atmosphere too, keys control and LTN´s typical nice textfont.
I think I got stuck may be due to i moved one box wrongly or haven´t find the right way.
Oke, lets get break for a while and go look to the Bloodlust ! :)
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Nice, x-13 is atmospheric game in the surroundings what i like the most - spaceship mystery ! With cool thingy such as batterylife what boost atmosphere too, keys control and LTN´s typical nice textfont.
Perfect, I always focus on atmosphere when I do horror style games and it's nice to know it's what you noticed the most. As for getting stuck, well you're probably not stuck I just never got enough finished for it to have an ending that made sense lol. Basically, if you found the save point that's the end of the game. I originally had you go to the teleporter and I wrote a bit of dialogue saying thanks for playing but unfortunately I messsed up the creates to move and you will never see that event happen lol

I finished playing Match 1 games and voted now I'm downloading Xyphiens game to play. I'll cast my vote as soon as I'm done :) I know your probably thinking why not just vote for yourself? Well, Xyphien may have made a better game than me so I'm going to give it a chance, duh lol. Anyways I'll be back tonight or tomorrow with my vote.


It´s a hard life of poor zombie huh :D
I bet that platfooter is immortal !
It remembered me one funny action game with zomie in the main role what I have played once on pc, can´t remember name though :P
Infect ´em all hahaha.

I think I will vote for x-13 thou. yes thats it. I just liked it little more.

Annnd nooow hurry look at others!

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
@Xyphien I played your game, is the ending after killing the cop? I'm unsure what to do next. Overall though it was pretty fun, so far though it's short, but I enjoyed the idea behind it and was hoping to play more. The sprites are much larger and I thought it was funny how you mentioned that in the game haha.


Staff member
Resource Team
@Xyphien I played your game, is the ending after killing the cop? I'm unsure what to do next. Overall though it was pretty fun, so far though it's short, but I enjoyed the idea behind it and was hoping to play more. The sprites are much larger and I thought it was funny how you mentioned that in the game haha.
The ending was thrown together, after you kill the guy it's over *And was suppose to go to the title screen lol.*
I voted for @LTN Games only because of the amount that was achieved in such a short amount of time. Not only was it atmospheric and unique, the controls were customised as well, with some flourishing touches like the flashlight slowly running out of juice.