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Fireside Tales: Land of the Lastborn [Contest 4/2019] 1.1

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Magus Gar Kan

Towns Guard
Magus Gar Kan submitted a new resource:

Fireside Tales: Land of the Lastborn [Contest 4/2019] - Entry for Jungle Contest

This is my entry for the Jungle tile contest on the forums. While it is a complete game, it is very threadbare and served mostly as a way for me to re familiarize myself with how to make games using the MV engine. I ended up making far more work for myself than perhaps I needed to, as I had missed the concession that I could have used official DLC... but, having missed that memo I made due with what I could using just the out of the box resources and the jungle tileset.

I hope you...
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Pretty straightforward, not a lot of confusion, not at all a bad start. You might want to consider adding some fail messages when looking for the rope, particularly on the vines on the wall - I think I spent about five minutes after I searched the vines and got nothing just spamming examine on everything until I found what I was looking for. It was close, so I'm not sure how I missed it for so long, just throwing that out there.