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Final Fantasy A New Beginning [Alpha 0.1.1] (Playable)




Here is the first release of my fan game Final Fantasy A New Beginning! This project takes heavy inspiration from classic Final Fantasy titles (I-VI); featuring the ATB system, rows, classes, and more! Each character is assigned a certain class and most learn skills at set levels similar to Final Fantasy IV and VI, this game does not feature a changeable job system such as that of Final Fantasy III or V. Emphasis is instead placed upon designing the game to resemble the original concept of Final Fantasy with a developed cast of characters and an engaging story. This project is still in it's alpha stage and as such still has much work to be done so expect updates soon! All comments, question, and suggestions are appreciated ^-^

Download Here!

Alpha [0.1.1] Gameplay Footage


-A cast of 14 characters, each a different class with unique skills/ abilities
-front and back rows, party of up to 5 characters
-Ability to change the scope and target for some skills
-ATB (Active Time Battle) System used in side view battles
-Customizable party (feature won't be accessible until final chapter)
-Prologue and 4 chapters of content (~30 hours when game is completed)


Noah awakes alone in a foreign world. He soon discovers that his friends are here as well and they have been chosen by the Crystals to vanquish the darkness that once again has threatened their land. The heroes then set out on their long journey to recover allies, conquer the rising evil, and ultimately return back home. The story is still very simplistic, but emphasis at the moment is being placed on creating a cast of interesting, relatable characters that develop throughout the story.


All characters have already been created, however this post will only show those that have been introduced in the story thus far.


Noah (Paladin) : A boy with a strong belief of restoring justice and order to the world. Will take whatever means necessary to help those in need, sometimes resulting in recklessness. He commands Holy Blade skills to both damage enemies and support allies using himself as a shield to cover others in critical health.


Emily (White Mage) : A benevolent girl with a big heart. She cares very deeply for her friends and helps them throughout the difficulties they face. Being quite timid, she is often frightened and weary of new situations and people. She utilizes White Magic to cure, revive, and protect the party from attacks.


David (Bard) : Though still a child, he willingly joins the adventure as to support his friends throughout their battles. He is a quirky and energetic child, but a kind one nonetheless. By playing his Bardsongs he is able to bolster allies' stats as well as reduce the stats of foes.


Issac (Black Mage) : A solitary person with little regard for anyone he doesn't know. He has developed a disgust for the human race because of what he has endured in his past, but has good intentions at heart. Commands Black Magic that is capable of vanquishing enemies using elemental and status inducing spells.


Ben (Dragoon) : A brave warrior that is loyal to his companions, but has yet to find a sense of purpose in the world. His bravery can always be relied upon no matter what endeavor he must confront. The Dragon Arts he wields are used to deliver powerful blows to enemies using jump and breath attacks.


Henry (Sage) : Somewhat narcissistic, Henry is at times too proud of his abilities. His intellect makes him an effective strategist and because of this he prefers to take charge of scenarios. He possesses the ability to Predict future events, these abilities can be potentially drastically destructive or beneficial, but the effectiveness varies.



3/28/16- Released first alpha version (Prologue - 1/3 of Chapter 1) [0.1.1]


Creator, Desinger, Producer


Sprites, Backgrounds, Music, Sounds


Square Enix



Victor Sant

Hime Works

Mr. Trivel


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It's quite nice so far. (cool)
Haven't had much time to really test it out yet.

Run's a little slow for me but most MV games do for me, currently only using an older laptop. (slanty)
There are plugins I believe to help somewhat with that issue at least.

Nice use of music and clean map layout so far too. (thumbsup)
Enemies are a bit crude right now (white borders and such), but that's ok this is only (alpha v0.1.1).

Died not too far in the first time I played but that could have been my fault, lol I didn't go get Emily first lol...

Might I suggest a condition check for if Emily is with you for entering the northern caves, else give a message like "Something feels odd, better have a look around first."

Also could maybe use just 1 more chest with a potion or "attack all" item in the northern caves. (it is the beginning after all). Just an idea though.

All in all so far I like it. (jolly)(icecream)
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It's quite nice so far. (cool)
Haven't had much time to really test it out yet.

Run's a little slow for me but most MV games do for me, currently only using an older laptop. (slanty)
There are plugins I believe to help somewhat with that issue at least.

Nice use of music and clean map layout so far too. (thumbsup)
Enemies are a bit crude right now (white borders and such), but that's ok this is only (alpha v0.1.1).

Died not too far in the first time I played but that could have been my fault, lol I didn't go get Emily first lol...

Might I suggest a condition check for if Emily is with you for entering the northern caves, else give a message like "Something feels odd, better have a look around first."

Also could maybe use just 1 more chest with a potion or "attack all" item in the northern caves. (it is the beginning after all). Just an idea though.

All in all so far I like it. (jolly)(icecream)
Those ugly enemy borders should be fixed now :) In the second room of the Northern Caves if you haven't gotten Emily yet then you won't be able to proceed past David. Thanks for the feedback :D


Hai! I do enjoy your game quite a bit! (from what i've played up til now.) But you map making skills seems to be lacking in some areas. In many of your maps/areas the land isn't balanced and creates a strange effect of confusion in the 3d perspective sense. Hills and trees for the large part do not match in height and needs a comb over before the next update. Seeing as this is alpha it's forgivable. Please for future note make sure to check all areas before moving past the current version/to a full version.


Read it again...14 characters?! O.O
Wow, good luck and hope to see more of it xD
Thanks!! The next build of the game should be out hopefully by tomorrow! It will have a lot of general enhancements/ improvements :)
[doublepost=1459645823,1459644469][/doublepost]There is something I have yet to decide.
Should I keep in the post battle rewards screen as it is (detailing character experience, skills, learned, etc.) or should I use the default text boxes since those are more like traditional Final Fantasy?


Just tested your game a little bit ago and so far just noticed the Battle speed seems off somehow. there is a delay in response to taking ations in the starting 2 areas even when its set to 10. at 1 its very slow, slower than it should be. normally in final fantasy battle speed is the wait time for actions to take for the characters turns not the battle menu to appear. i can post you more insight as i see them if you'd like i can't play with my own game cause i ran out of time from the free weekend thing being over and can't offord to buy it so going around trying peoples games that are free and trying to be helpful. seems like a good game concept so far though. Also the Escape option is blocked by the menu to where you cannot see it.
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