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FeniXCLI - Open source RPG Maker MV plugin development tool

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FeniXCLI - Open source RPG Maker MV plugin development tool

FeniXCLI is a lightweight, easy to use RPG Maker MV plugin development CLI that helps you generate and setup entire project with no configuration required, just an easy to follow guided setup. It helps you develop plugins for RPG Maker MV by combining necessary development tools. These tools help with the building of all your plugins and serving files to a server for easy testing and streamlined productivity.

Project Website | Gitlab Repository | Guide

Project Setup
Generate and entire project, download an MV demo game and automatically install and configures packages

Live Server
Start a live development server and reload when changes have been made to your plugin source code.

Modern JavaScript
Start writing with next generation JavaScript, split code into modules and import packages, no setup required!

  • Babel support
  • Auto configuration for all packages in setup
  • nwjs live reload support
  • Live package install (install packages simply using the import keyword)
  • Frontend GUI (For those who are terminal illiterate)

Quick Start
Create a new directory and open the terminal(Linux) or command prompt(Windows) and run the following commands.

npm install -g fenix-engine-cli
Setup a new project
Run the development server
fenix dev

Q: Is it ready?

A: Yes and no! However, I only say no because it is in no way ready for a child to pick up and use, but it is ready for any developer that feels like giving it a try!

Q: How will this make plugin development easy?

A: It provides a consistent and easy to follow workflow and environment so that every plugin is developed in the same manner and with the same standards as any other developed using FeniXCLI. It also makes things easier by letting you develop your plugins in separate files which are bundled together to create a production ready plugin.

Q: How can I get started?

A: Follow the getting started guide

Q: What is FeniXEngine?

A: FeniXEngine is the name of the project which includes tools like FeniXCLI and FeniXTools. This open source project's mission is to make plugin development easy enough for a child, powerful enough for a developer.