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Felskis Skilltree Plugin


Felski submitted a new resource:

Felskis Skilltree Plugin - A complex skilltree plugin.

This plugin is a complex skilltree plugin for actors. It allows you to create multiple skilltrees for actors.
To unlock nodes the party has to spend currency or items. You also need to unlock the nodes in order.
The actor learns the skill on node activation. Additionally you can toggle switches or run common events.
See the plugin and the demo for more infos.

How to use
You need to provide a Techtrees.json file. Check the demo for a working techtree.
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This looks so cool and awesome. I just wish I knew more about scripts and stuff so I could put it into my game.


Praised Adventurer
Resource Team
it's very easy to add plugins to your game. just search for a plugin tutorial. you can set up simple plugins in a matter of minutes, even with no previous experience. this one is a little more complicated because it involves a .json file, but even this can be easily understood with a few minutes of effort.


This looks so cool and awesome. I just wish I knew more about scripts and stuff so I could put it into my game.
HI Azdak,

as Starbird already mentioned, setting up plugins in really easy in general. Here it is a bit more complicated, as you need to create a Techtree.json file. There is a Treebuilder App that you can use to create the json file. It is a simple editor that lets you create big and cool skilltrees with ease. You can find it here: Scroll down to downloads and download the TreeBuilder App. Then unzip it and open the treeeditor.html in any browser (i tested it in chrome).

Best regards,


Thank you for the reply StarBird,

I tried for a few hours to try and get it working, I installed C++ and everything. (I had read through the instructions several times, watched his awesome You-tube video, played his tutorial game a few times and I even tried to reverse engineer his project)

To be honest I am not good at this kind of stuff, I've no idea about how to write a computer script, so when I started it up and a strange box pops up with lots of stuff I have never seen before in my life, (It's the first time I had herd of a Jason File) I just don't know where to start. It talks about things that I have never herd of and leaves me most bewildered. (What on earth are "nodes"?)
I need a C++ book for dummies or something

I do not want to discourage any one from downloading and using this, as I think it's one of the best things I have ever seen.
(Apart from StarBird resources of course ;)

It is not the plug-in that is at fault but me that has no idea how to wield it.



Wow thanks for the reply Felski :D
I must say you are very skilled and you are super awesome to share your work with us all!

I will defiantly try again as It really is cool and it opens up so many possibility's.
I will re-read your tutorials and watch more YouTube videos and learn about "Jason files" :D
(I just need to stop being intimidated by all the script code :)

Thanks again for the reply and the work you have done, it really is great!
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HI Azdak,

as Starbird already mentioned, setting up plugins in really easy in general. Here it is a bit more complicated, as you need to create a Techtree.json file. There is a Treebuilder App that you can use to create the json file. It is a simple editor that lets you create big and cool skilltrees with ease. You can find it here: Scroll down to downloads and download the TreeBuilder App. Then unzip it and open the treeeditor.html in any browser (i tested it in chrome).

Best regards,
If you ever make a tutorial video on how to make a skill tree from scratch that would be amazing!
I've tried for a few months now and I still can not make sense of it.
I go on your skill Tree builder online (not sure if I'm doing it right though)
(I'm sorry if I seem dumb)
Every time I think I'm doing something right I just find my self with more problems.
It now shows up with "this reserve bitmap is not a function." I have no idea what I'm doing :/
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