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Favorite skills and skill ideas in general?


Hello all! I'm in the process of making a game, but I'm having a bit of trouble coming up with my skills. More specifically, I'm having trouble coming up with offensive skills for my warrior-type characters. So what are your favorite skills that you've come up with yourself or have seen somewhere else? Maybe hearing some will get my creative juices flowing.

Here are some of mine that I've come up with so far:
Trickster Blow - Strong attack based on user's DEF and target's ATK.
Trickster Cast - Strong attack based on user's MDF and target's MAT.
Cruel Blow - Deals double damage is target's HP is below half.

I also had the idea of having certain "stances" for one of my characters:
Defensive Stance - For 3 turns, the user only takes 10% of physical damage.
Offensive Stance - For 3 turns, the user's critical rate is raised by 50%.
Evasive Stance - For 3 turns, the user's evasion rate is raised by 80%.
Healing Stance - For 3 turns, the user regenerates 15% of their HP per turn.

So what do you guys think?
Here are some of mine that I've come up with so far:
Trickster Blow - Strong attack based on user's DEF and target's ATK.
Trickster Cast - Strong attack based on user's MDF and target's MAT.
Cruel Blow - Deals double damage is target's HP is below half.
Sry if it's hurts but
Trickster Blow?!, Trickster Cast?!, Sounds good and Pretty Tricky.
the way using enemies Stat instead of user's, is one way to see it as "Tricky"

there is a warrior skill that I quite like in my game, the code was just a copy, paste, edit kind of thing
it's called Battle Smite, its for a gladiator class that can be obtain from class advancement of lvl 50 warrior
it granted the user a passive that allows the user gain some stat from each every enemy he kill (when this user effected by this passive)
to execute it is just the way I play the "$gameVariable" code.

what do you think? quite helpful?