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Fallen From Solace


Towns Guard
My proper first project that I started in XP, I've decided to shift development to MV. Unfortunately this means much of the progress I made has been abandoned though I'm still taking the ideas across. I'm still developing the main plot of the story, though I'm not sure how it will mostly unfold yet or have an estimate of how long the game will play out. I'm aiming at least for 100 hours of content, though I'm not sure if that will be a touch too ambitious yet. The game will be hopefully one large game broke in to three parts.

Some of the information will be added later when I've had a chance to update and correct it.


The year is 5458 AR. The known world of Talamh has long been shaped by war, but for the last part of the past few years enjoying relative peace. Alden, formerly a kingdom on the west of the continent, has suffered a political coup led by the high ranking generals of the Alden Armed Forces. The newly crowned Empress has began planning for a war of expansion and conquest against the neighbouring countries of Eragaar to the east and Ettan to the south.

A resistance movement, The Uprisers has formed in response, in an attempt to remove Luciana from rule and, opposing monarchical absolutism, would transition the government to democracy. The first rebellion was subsequently quashed and the power of her majesty reigned supreme. However, the resistance movement continued.

Meanwhile in a village high up in the mountain pass of Juil, in the province of Navarre, Alex and Nathan, two young adult farm workers prepare for the day ahead unaware of what is to come.


Talamh is one of the continents of the world. The game takes place in seven of the nineteen countries of Talamh (note the map below is still a WIP, hence why it might look a bit plain).

(Not all of the regions you see on the screen will be visited in game. It omits much of the West of Alden and much and the east of Eragaar.) This map is largely for reference usage since the game will have no world map. There exists countless other lands beyond, hopefully for future usage.

A year consists of 368 days, split into 16 months. Each month subdivides perfectly into 23 days each, with a season lasting about four months.


Each character can equip any weapon and armour, however each character has a preferred weapon of choice with which they are often more effective at using. There are at the moment, seven playable characters.

Alexander 'Alex' Caden Davos
Gender: Male
Age: 19 (DoB: 15.16.5438)
From: Seldan, Province of Navarre, Ettan
Preferred weapon: Swords
Preferred armour: Any
Bio: A farm worker from the mountainous village of Seldan.

Nathaniel 'Nathan' Menda
Gender: Male
Age: 20 (DoB: 19.10.5437)
From: Seldan, Province of Navarre, Ettan
Preferred weapons: Broadswords, axes
Preferred armour: Heavy
Bio: Best friends with Alex since he can remember.

Kara Ulisa Angeles
Gender: Female
Age: 21 (DoB: 05.11.5439)
From: Arterre, Metropole, Alden
Preferred weapons: Sabres
Preferred armour: Light
Bio: An exiled noble from Alden, on the run since her father was executed for treason.


Attributes grows according to their type, as determined by a range and my entering the data using numbers from a random number generator. I may need to refine the ranges to avoid unbalanced characters.

Hopefully I'll make this dynamic with passive/active skill trees with a script or events/variables/hidden items.


-Time system, complete with custom game calendar.
-Character base attributes
-Custom attributes for equipment. Require some editing to allow it to show in equipment screen and status screen.
-Enemy levels, since level is a requirement for the damage algorithm.
-Damage formulas for attack done, will need testing for balancing. Damage formula for magic is mostly done, but for one thing pending the mechanic being implemented. Formula is basically

damage = (((a.a2 - b.d)2)+(a.c - b.d)2)+a.e

Probably an easier and simpler way to write that.​


-Rage Break System: Replacing the skill points system with a rage break system. Rather than having values generated up to 100. They're generated up to 9:99. The number on the left being the usable skill point, the number on the right increasing per action. When that hits 100, it generates a skill point. That might need a script. Rage skills are weapon dependant. Characters will learn rage skills according to their weapon proficiency. The highest, 9th level skill will only be available on their preferred weapon.

-Weapon skill system: Most characters will be able to equip pretty much all weapon types. However, they all have a preferred weapon which they will become most effective with. This preferred weapon will level quicker and will contain their strongest weapon. Skill points increase with use. Higher weapon proficiency will affect hit rate, total damage, crit chance and rage skills available.

-Weapon and armour modification: If you can't afford the latest weapon from the shop, it can be upgraded. The upgrade won't be quite as effective as the new weapon available but will be a stop gap. Upgrades may include certain attribute boosts, like attack power to weapons or defence and magic defence to armour, or element boosts, though not as strong as magic buffs.

-Learnable magic through usage and augments: Probably possible with variables. Using a type of magic (say pyromancy/fire magic) a certain number of times will unlock the next stage of magic according to class and level power. For example using the basic fire 20 times will unlock the next level fire skill on so on. Idea still under development. Would be easier to do with a script. Unsure whether to make progress shared or unique to characters. Probably may be the latter.

Advanced targeting: All skills by default, unless strictly specified, will be single target. All skills, if the equipment allows can switch between single target or group target. Any skills unless strictly stated by design can target either ally or enemy. Where group targeting, damage is divided amongst enemies.

-Improved custom menu: Would probably require a script but possibly returning the attributes to the RMXP way of doing things. Separating strength as a character trait from attack power added by a weapon, mostly as a way to distinguish between a characters ability and a weapons ability, as well as showing hidden attributes such as evasion chance, crit chance, hit chance, and immunities. Includes possibly a reworked HUD for the game.

-Transportation system: Probably done with a map and some eventing. Because there'll be no world map, it consists of field maps, to decrease travel time you'd be able to warp to certain from fast travel points.

-Parallax mapping: Since I'm not overly keen on the graphic style of VX/MV I'd like to see a return to the more detailed possibilities of RMXP. I'd need to learn how to parallax map to do this but I'll look at doing it.

-Advanced proper resolution support: Probably need me to learn UI design more, since the game just stretches it and doesn't re-render the text for full screen. If you have a widescreen computer and play in HD, I'd like the graphics to be sharp but show more of the map rather than just stretch in a fixed 4:3 ratio. This depends on what is possible with the engine. I'd have to learn more before I can consider if this is possible or not.

-Field-based battle system: Think Chrono-Trigger style but with either a conditional-turn based or active time based. I tried experimenting with XP very basically by not having a battleback but it froze the map screen and eventually the background went black.

As the project nears completion, I'm hoping to be able to sell it on Google Play, iOS and PC through a number of mediums. That said, how capable I am of that happening depends on if I can make the game as good as I want. I'd have to customise certain graphics and look at either finding music to licence for the game or learning a keyboard (I have one but I don't know how to play and I've no method of connecting it to my computer) and how to compose and write music. Otherwise it'll end up being a F2P game.
[doublepost=1472831613,1469401522][/doublepost]Beta version of my battle system. Lacking skill animations yet and the damage formulas for that dual attack is broken so that's why I've not shown it. HUD is done for now. It'll need some more work on it making it compatible with the rage break system when I can get round to having that done. Just a basic progress video of what I have so far.

Still unsure whether to use a CTB or go for an ATB system. There is some lag on there waiting for moves. No idea why that is. Performance of playing seems to have lag in general though. The faces aren't done yet. Still the placeholder ones. I'll do that when I work out how exactly I want them cropped. Also will have to edit the numbers for the HUD so they're more consistently spaced. I'll hopefully have a more realistic representation when the first boss is created and skills can be shown, enemy skills are reimplemented and damage is balanced.

Took a while for me to figure out how to record this since FRAPS refused to do a screencapture. The colour looks too bright. No idea why and the quality of the video seems to be crap. First video recorded using OBS though, so hopefully when I get around to doing more videos I should've fixed them problems out.
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