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Events move after player/trigger? (Plugin/Event)

Leo Roura

Hello there! New fella here, trying to get myself introduced to the world of RPGMMV, been using the older versions but never finished a game, but now im interested in doing so.
*Ehem* This thread here i made it to ask gently for a referal;
I am in need of a plugin/event mechanic to make events move after the player, and by that i mean, that if the player is currently moving in the map, an event (let's say enemy) will follow the exact amount of steps the player did. If it's a fast creature, maybe it will move two steps or three. (This is not necessary but would be really cool).
The enemies would be spread out in the map (i use a random generator rogue like) and wait for the player to move, then every step you make, they will approach you, and when they do, i plan to make an event touch triggered battle.
I know it's too much to ask, but if you guys could refer me to a plugin or help me build a mechanic for this, i'd be really grateful!

What i have tried so far: Yanfly command buttons and stop movement plugins (I can't manage to make it work, maybe it's because i don't have the knowledge).