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Event page and activation method


Hello! Recently I found a situation where I could not succeed in making a singe event with a player touch activated event page and a action button activated page. would it be possible for someone to tell me why? and what could be a good alternative? As of now, there are no conditions in any of the pages activation besides the method (touch and act button).


Towns Guard
Is the event on a tile that is impassible, such as a table or bookshelf? Is it that you can not activate either page or nothing happens?

OK, let me also make one thing clear, action button events and player touch events are very similar, in my experience they work the same (don't quote me on that though), so they may be cancelling each other out, if you need one page before the other, I suggest using a self switch and have the second page set to the condition of that switch.

Apologies if this has not helped you, there are far more experienced users on this site (cheeks)


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Staff member
Resource Team
Hello! Recently I found a situation where I could not succeed in making a singe event with a player touch activated event page and a action button activated page. would it be possible for someone to tell me why? and what could be a good alternative? As of now, there are no conditions in any of the pages activation besides the method (touch and act button).
Have you set the priority to "same as characters"?
"Player Touch Activated" at "Same As Characters" = When you "bump" into the event the event is activated.

"Player Touch Activated" at "Below Characters" = When you "step on" the event the event is activated.

MV Help said:
Choose from the below in order to specify the priority of how players and other events are displayed on top of one another. The image that is on top will be prioritized and displayed when events and players can overlap.

Below characters
Players and so on will be able to move on top of this event. However, if a tile is selected in [Images], whether or not the player can move on top of that tile depends on the settings of the tile.

Same as characters
Will be at the same height as characters, and it will not be possible to go through this event.

Above characters
Players and so on will be able to move beneath this event.
MV Help said:
Choose the timing for when the processing of the [Contents] of an event that occurs on the map will be.

Action Button
When the player touches the event, and presses the action button while facing (when overlapping an event where overlapping is possible) in the direction of the event.

Player Touch
When the player touches the event (when overlapping an event where overlapping is possible), and presses the action button while in that state.

Event Touch
When an event makes contact (when overlapping where overlapping is possible) with a player through via the autonomous movement of the event as well as when in the same state as in [Player Touch].

When the event appears after meeting appear conditions.

When the event appears after meeting appear conditions (contents of the event will be repeatedly processed).
Just re-read the OP... are you trying to use the one event with 2 pages each page having a different trigger?

If that is the case then I believe @Arythorn was correct, since your using a page with "player touch" as soon as the event is "bumped" into that page will active thus canceling out the "action button" triggered page.
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