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Event become invisible during progression - any idea whats wrong?

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I have my first problem/question.

Ill try describe here:
My hero enter the room where lies a unconsciousness body on the table (I made it as event with picture of lying actor) the main goal is to waking it up.
All working fine, but when I touch (action button) event (the body) become invisible during processing dialogues :(

any idea how to fix it ?

post a picture


Praised Adventurer
My guess is when you talk to it the image is changing the sprites direction to one that doesn't have a graphic attached. Try enabling the Direction Fix checkbox in the lower left corner.


Praised Adventurer
Glad I could help! It's usually the simplest things that you tend to overlook, still happens to me from time to time. =)

If you would be so kind as to mark my response as best answer so if someone else happens to have the same problem it would be clear that there is a solution in this thread I would be most appreciative.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I'm locking this topic due to being addressed and solved if for any reason you would like it re-opened please report this topic.
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