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Erase Event/Constant Cycle


Towns Guard
(*sigh* Yes... Arythorn has yet another problem...)

I'm eventing my own title screen, and have run into a few... issues. You see, my title screen has a movie played before it begins, and this is the big issue, whenever you return to the title screen, that movie plays again. Now, that might not seem to big of a deal... apart from the fact that I don't want it to play EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. This is very problematic at the moment because when I open the options or the save load screens form my title screen, upon closing them, it plays the movie and I have to wait for it all to finish before i can do anything else (like pressing start or exit...).

I have tried switches and variables to control switches to control other switches and all these other weird loopy cycle thingies... but I realized that the erase event command counts opening menus as leaving the map, so if i have parallel events to initial turn certain switches ON, which later gets switched OFF to stop the movie repeating once played once... the moment I open a menu, it brings the event back, thus turning the switch on again and it does the whole thing all over again.

Basically, is there ANY way to get around this, luckily the movie is really short but I'm sure you wouldn't want to keep seeing it and have to wait just because you looked at the options for a few seconds!

Oh, and I have tried wait commands before changing switches... it just skipped over them for some reason.

*breaths* Thanks In Advance!!

TL;DR - How do you get around the fact that opening a menu/the options counts a leaving a map when using the 'Erase Event Command'

Here's what I have (Don't worry, its organised into events and pages within said events (glad)}

Event Options:

◆If:Title Intro PLayed is ON
◆Play SE:Electrocardiogram (90, 110, 0)
◆Play Movie:Lifeline_Title
◆Play SE:Electrocardiogram (90, 110, 0)
◆Play Movie:Lifeline_Title
◆Play SE:Electrocardiogram (90, 110, 0)
◆Play Movie:Lifeline_Title
◆Play SE:Electrocardiogram (90, 110, 0)
◆Control Self Switch:A = ON

◆Control Self Switch:A = ON

Event Options:
Self Switch A

◆Play BGM:Theme (100, 100, 0)
◆Show Picture:#1, Untitled-1, Upper Left (0,0), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
◆Wait:60 frames
◆Play SE:Cursor1 (100, 80, 0)
◆Show Picture:#2, L, Upper Left (0,0), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
◆Wait:30 frames
◆Play SE:Cursor1 (100, 80, 0)
◆Show Picture:#3, I, Upper Left (0,0), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
◆Wait:30 frames
◆Play SE:Cursor1 (100, 80, 0)
◆Show Picture:#4, F, Upper Left (0,0), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
◆Wait:30 frames
◆Play SE:Cursor1 (100, 80, 0)
◆Show Picture:#5, E, Upper Left (0,0), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
◆Wait:30 frames
◆Play SE:Cursor1 (100, 80, 0)
◆Show Picture:#6, L2, Upper Left (0,0), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
◆Wait:30 frames
◆Play SE:Cursor1 (100, 80, 0)
◆Show Picture:#7, I2, Upper Left (0,0), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
◆Wait:30 frames
◆Play SE:Cursor1 (100, 80, 0)
◆Show Picture:#8, N, Upper Left (0,0), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
◆Wait:30 frames
◆Play SE:Cursor1 (100, 80, 0)
◆Show Picture:#9, E2, Upper Left (0,0), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
◆Control Self Switch:B = ON
Event Options:
Self Switch B

◆Wait:30 frames
◆Play SE:Cursor1 (100, 80, 0)
◆Show Picture:#10, Start, Upper Left (0,0), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
◆Wait:30 frames
◆Play SE:Cursor1 (100, 80, 0)
◆Show Picture:#11, Continue, Upper Left (0,0), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
◆Wait:30 frames
◆Play SE:Cursor1 (100, 80, 0)
◆Show Picture:#12, Options, Upper Left (0,0), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
◆Wait:30 frames
◆Play SE:Cursor1 (100, 80, 0)
◆Show Picture:#13, Exit, Upper Left (0,0), (100%,100%), 255, Normal
◆Change Parallax:!Title
◆Wait:60 frames
◆Erase Picture:#1
◆Erase Picture:#2
◆Erase Picture:#3
◆Erase Picture:#4
◆Erase Picture:#5
◆Erase Picture:#6
◆Erase Picture:#7
◆Erase Picture:#8
◆Erase Picture:#9
◆Erase Picture:#10
◆Erase Picture:#11
◆Erase Picture:#12
◆Erase Picture:#13
◆Control Variables:#0001 Played = 0
◆Control Switches:#0001 Title Intro PLayed = OFF
◆Erase Event

The switch is set to turn on when a variable > or = 1. It is set to 1 via a parallel event.

Switch 1 gets switched on, triggering the Title events, where the switch is turned OFF AND the variable is set to 0 so it does not trigger again. Only problem is, even though I erased the event originally controlling the variable to 1, the whole, options/menu = left the map thing resets it...
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