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EpicFILE Drawing Stuff



Hello! I'm EpicFILE.
I've been a member here since about a month ago.
I think it's time to be more active in this forum.

Welcome to EpicFILE Drawing Stuff!
Not a really good name for a thread, I see.
But I think it's catchy enough. XD

Here are some of the newest arts I've made:

Pirate Guy

He's a guy. He's a pirate. He's a pirate guy!

Hyper Old Man

By seeing his fashion taste, you can guess he's no ordinary old man... And you're right!

He's a martial artist master with many years of experience.

For those who dare to challenge him, he'll give a special present:

A kick which can cause serious stomachache (or even worse, instant coma).

It's no wonder we can call him Hyper Old Man.

Restaurant's Peace Keeper

She's an owner of a restaurant.... But what's up with that cane?

She's ready to swing her cane like a sword for those who don't want to pay and for those who like to make a chaos.

A good smack will make them learn.

Her attitude makes everyone calls her the Restaurant's Peace Keeper.

Feel free to give feedbacks, comments, or inputs! :)
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
These are looking good. I'm no artist so I can't give you really good feedback but I do notice the lines are not the greatest, but the shading looks good and the overall look and feel to your characters are nice. I would love to see some more of your work, keep it up.
Cheers :D


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Looks decent enough. Better than anything I can draw. However, I think you should work on those proportions more. Especially the old man's head and the restaurant's peace keeper in her full are a little disproportional.
And... is it just me or does the "Hyper Old Man" look like freaking Old Snake from Metal Gear Solid 4? :D

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
The proportions are well done. The positionning is almost perfect, which means it's great. I live the pirate guy the best, just one of his eyes isn't symetrical with the distance of the nose. The Hyper Guy has a lot of efforts made on compared to Restaurant's Peace Keeper.
(I'm usually addicted to female character arts, but I must admit the old man stole the second place from her)


Staff member
You draw well, and have a nice style. You're pretty good at coloring too.

The biggest thing that you need to work on is your line work.
The lines are all sketchy and messy, so they give the drawing a sketchy feel. It also affects the coloring because without a solid lines, you don't have a clear idea of when the coloring starts or ends.
You should make a new layer for lining, zoom in really close, and just try to trace the lines to the best of your ability. Try to make them as solid as possible.

You also seem to have a problem with the eye placement. If you look at those three drawings, you can see that the eye on our left is really close to the nose, and the eye on our right is really far. In each case, the right eye should be scooted a bit to the left, closer to the nose to make it look more even.


@LTN Games: Thank you! I will post more later.

@Kaimen: I thought he's more like Galuf from FF5? O_O
But yeah, Old Snake is also a cool old guy with handsome mustache. XD

@Rise Evil: Thanks! Pirate guy is also my favorite.

@sage: I will try to draw with more tidy lines and I'll keep an eye with the eye placement.

@Amysaurus: That's right. ^u^
Glad to see you here too!