Indie Dev

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Current version: 0.17

Endless Combat Dungeon 2 mixes retro turn-based combat similar to Dragon Quest, with inspirations from Dungeons & Dragons. You wander the open-world, take on quests, vanquish monsters that only grow stronger at night when the curse falls.

You move on a grid and each step advances time by half an hour and you'll need to eat, rest and spend your money wisely in the shops. You'll have to be careful as towns are only open during the day.


Sometimes while traveling you get 4 Fate Cards put in front of you. You get to choose 2 of them and these have random events attached. You might have to fight a monster, or you'll get bonus items, a quest, a curse, it can be anything. Maybe you'll find a unique area.

In combat you'll be able to take multiple actions with the use of "action points." Some stats like Occultism will let you cast multiple spells during your turn. Combat, as in the last game, is largely determined by rolling a 20-sided die. If you roll higher than the enemy, you'll get to attack.

Mana and Sanity are the same stat in this game. Casting spells too much without rest might make you go insane. You'll have hallucinations, blackouts or become ill.

Later in development there will be randomly-generated dungeons, fame/infamy will have a bigger reaction to how people feel towards you. A low fame/infamy value will get you in trouble with the law, bounty hunters will try and take you down, the king himself might send his armies after you.

The game will have many different endings, depending on your choices. They will be worth different amount of points, for example if you just want to settle down, have a family, it won't be worth that much. It'll be preferable to dying which will cut your end points in half.

Inspirations are mostly taken from Conan the Barbarian, Thundarr the Barbarian, He-Man and Flash Gordon. It's a sword and sandal type of world but with some high-tech. Swords, spells, laser guns, and all that.

You were once a soldier of an evil wizard, but with the power of gods you gained free will and went rogue. Now you're free to make your mark upon the world of Shadowmain. Be a hero, or a villain, settle down or face your former master and vanquish them.

The difficulty curve could be odd this time, as I try to do a game that's a bit different than usual. There might be sexual themes in the future, as well as religious references, gore and alcohol.


I need any feedback, tell me what you think of it and what could make this game more fun. Also reports of bugs/glitches and all that.